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North Stars' Space Police fleet Teaser Plane (Vtol SSTO)

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"I always worried whether or not my rocket was going to be hijacked by that Jebediah Kerman every time i went to the Mün"

Munfell Kerman

Say hello to North Stars' first plane in its upcoming space police series. The space police series is a collection of planes designed to keep your space program safe and protected from the psychotic and deranged creatures of the Kerbin system.* The UVS Cruiser (UVS for short) is the first of the first of the space police series. designed to be lightweight and functional, The UVS is capable of Vtol Takeoff and a safe orbit of around 70,000M in your Kerbin system.** The UVS comes unarmed due to lack of room but is still able to track down and arrest those evil space creatures haunting your Kerbin system thanks to its amazing light bar.

Only 41,944 Funds!

Buy your UVS Cruiser TODAY!


cFye7C5.png The lights arrangement alternate between red and blue but Ksp doesn't color the light source only the light itself, hence why they're all white and are glowing purple




1. Put on runway

2. Enable SAS

3. Throttle to 100%

4. Press Space

5. Keep Level

6. After about 1-2 seconds press space

7. Reach 85m/s

8. press action group one (1 key by default)

9. Right click on both engines and set them to automatic switching

10. Fly like a normal SSTO.

DOWNLOAD LINK https://www.dropbox.com/s/pzbefsqnqwez4z5/Space%20Police%20UVS%20Cruiser.craft?dl=0

Fly to 20,00m gaining speed and reach 1,100m/s once at 1,100m/s pull up to 45° and hold. the rockets will switch modes all you do is hold until your Apo hits 71,000M. cut engines and wait until Apo. once at Apo burn full throttle prograde until you achieve orbit.

*Psychotic and deranged creatures does not include Jebediah Kerman or any Kerbal affiliated with Jebediah himself or Jebediah's existence.

**Orbit and Functionality vary by quality and use of vtol takeoff. use of excess fuel for take will result in sub-orbital trajectory

Edited by Penguinhero
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