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Concept Art That has huge potential


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After browsing the internet i came across a Concept art of a Rocket. The picture seems to be in a different language (Or made up?).

Here is the Picture:hilani_mk_7c_orbital_launch_vehicle_by_valhalla_studios-d7qydgb.png

I think the Design has alot of Potential and could become a great addition to the Kerbal Community. This is NOT a request but a mere suggestion to Modders who are either looking for a project or even for inspiration.

Thanks for Reading :)

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So can everything in KW rocketry, so can everything in AIES aerospace. Procedural parts aren't for everyone
The engines can't be procedural (yet), nor can cockpits. The point being, why wait for some random modder to decide to take up this project? This really doesn't have "huge potential", it's a fairly cookie-cutter rocket design (aside from looking unstable to my eyes) you could easily construct from procedural parts. Or hell, grab HGR for a 1.875m lower stage and use stock 2.5m parts for the top, or use 2.5m for the lower and 3.75m for the top. Unless OP just wants the decals and art, which aren't really anything special?
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What a fascinating typeface. From a quick skimming of the artist's DeviantArt page it seems to be called "Arattan" or something similar (or at least that's what the language is named). Obvious cyrillic roots, but at a glance the words don't really jump out as being anything. Same chap who did the postcards from laythe a while back.

The rocket's quite nice too.

Edited by Cydonian Monk
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Awesome Art! I will probably try to create a procedural fairing with the fairing texture, that is, as soon as I get a modder's license. Speaking of which, where and how do I get a modder's license?
Send me $25 by snail mail.

Kidding aside, you don't need a license for yourself, you license your work.

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