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Real Airplanes -- Piston engines with AJE (and more) [Update 3/27/15]

Genius Evil

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Progress update: New version is out, with drag fixes & PTank normal maps.

Next update will probably be one or two surface-attachable cockpits, a few rocket engines for aircraft, and possibly an engine cowling for the inline engines.


The engines currently require AJE to work, which requires FAR; so the new stock aerodynamics probably won't have any effect.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm having issues with the engines. I Have everything I need installed, but when I start the engine one of the propellers rotates the wrong way (it actually goes through the engine), and when it goes to the blur disk it is off-center and tilted.

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@ mike9606: That's odd. Does it happen to all the engines, or just one of them?


Progress Update:

Completed surface-attachable p51-style bubble canopy. No internals yet though. Completed some rocket motors: The ME-163's Walter HWK, the X-1's Reaction Motors XLR-11, and de Havilland Spectre. I'm going to add the X-15's XLR-99 and then release. The internals for the bubble canopy will probably be in the next release.

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Running into a technical issue. All the engines only have 5 thrust. I've read through this thread for ideas for a fix, and just to be safe I did a clean install of KSP and only loaded FAR, Firespitter, AJE, and this mod (with the rescaled & liquid fuel CFGs) -- no luck, all engines still have five thrust.

Any more ideas? Is there something specific I need to do with FAR to get this to work??

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That presumably means the AJE plugin is not loading right, which probably means it's out of sync with FAR. Make sure you're on the right version of FAR for the plugin, and if you're on the current version of FAR, ask camlost to update.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Running into a technical issue. All the engines only have 5 thrust. I've read through this thread for ideas for a fix, and just to be safe I did a clean install of KSP and only loaded FAR, Firespitter, AJE, and this mod (with the rescaled & liquid fuel CFGs) -- no luck, all engines still have five thrust.

Any more ideas? Is there something specific I need to do with FAR to get this to work??

I seem to have the same problem 5 thurst on all engines, and no correct descriptions for any, just "fuelashsdfsd" or something like that.

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@Wolf123 -- Do the engines produce 5 thrust in flight? AJE sets the thrust dynamically in flight; the value given in the engine cfg is discarded, so all are just set to 5. The descriptions in the VAB will say 5, but the actual values will be different. If the engines are producing 5 thrust in flight, then AJE is not working properly. This would probably be of incompatible versions of FAR and AJE, as NathanKell said earlier. The gibberish descriptions are from a modulemanager patch I was debugging -- I had it set the description on every part it affected to some random typing so I could see if it was addressing the right parts. I forgot to remove the line before releasing. I will immediately release a version without it.

Also, here's the plan for the next release:

Internals for P-51 style cockpit

P-40 / Hawker Hurricane styled cockpit, hopefully with internals

Better model for the XLR-99

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I have everything installed, AJE 2.0.3, FAR 14.6 and the latest Firespiter.dll. When I tested the engine out (One for the P47-D25) the thrust came out the wrong way pushing my aircraft backwards!

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@Wolf123 -- The engines can be switched from push to pull mode in flight and in the VAB. The button will say "Set reverse thrust" or "Set normal thrust" depending on which mode it is in. It's at the bottom of the tweakables menu, so you might have to move the camera around to see it. In some views the button is off the edge of the screen because of all the AJE options above it. You probably clicked it by accident while you were building your plane.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm sorry but this mod does not work for me i tried to rescale and i don't use real fuels or AJE this mod just needs to be fix just to be clear Ive tried every thing the rescale does not work and the engines don't give off enough thrust to get any thing off the ground and the engines that do work overheat and explode Ive followed the instructions but the mod does not work if anyone can help me out here many thanks

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  • 3 weeks later...

I haven't had a chance to test it with 1.0 yet (Finals and such...) but it should be fine as long as AJE hasn't changed its AJEPropeller module.

Progress on the next release:

P-51 IVA is ~60% complete. Modelling mostly done, starting texturing. Still lots of props (switches, lights, etc.) to do as well.

School has been taking up a lot of my time, so hopefully I can work a bit faster now.

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  • 1 month later...


https://github.com/camlost2/AJE/blob/solver_redo/GameData/AJE/Parts/Props/DoubleWasp.cfg (current)


https://github.com/camlost2/AJE/blob/2f05666e7754818c7e740b6a162cf1f4579dee12/GameData/AJE/Parts/Props/DoubleWasp.cfg (old version)

The main differences are:

1. There's no more AJEPropeller module, instead the engine module itself is changed.

2. nuFAR doesn't use FARBasicDragModel so that's stripped.

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Thank you!

Very interesting, I'd like to use such complexity. A few things. Exhaust thrust is possible with the Double Wasp, but Meredith effect on a radial? And what unit is being used for boost? Mpa? What kind of units are rated and cost? Can I assume the "kerosene" is a placeholder?

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I agree, I think exhaust thrust and Meredith effect got swapped for some reason. That said, there's no reason you can't get Meredith effect on a radial, see the XF-12 Rainbow.

Boosts (and wastegate) uses inches of mercury unless useInHg is false, in which case they use atmosphere absolute (ata). Rated and cost are in HP, unless useHP is false, in which case they use PS. See the BMW 801D for non-US units.

Yes, Kero should be AvGas.

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