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Zephyr STS II-Stock Space Shuttle

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Zephyr STS II


A 100% stock space shuttle!


Zephyr STS II


Cargo Size: Mk3, a bit more than a "Jumbo" Tank long

Cargo Capacity: ~10 tons (I will improve this in the future)

Crew Capacity: 4

Boosters: 12 NASA SRBs duct taped into two clusters.

OMS: 2 NERVA Engines

Price: A Lot (~320,000)

Range: LKO


This shuttle was design mainly for looks and accuracy to the NASA STS. I will explain the launch in multiple parts:


To keep the shuttle going straight, remember than the bottom has non-throttleable SRBs while the top can be throttled. The Mainsails will be used as a lever to keep the shuttle balanced, so use the throttle control carefully. Watch the pitch indicator: If the pitch indicator is going hard down then throttle up, and if its going too hard up then release the throttle. Only use the RCS as a last resort (Vernors like to eat fuel, and this shuttle has an awful large amount of them). At launch the initial thrust amount will depend on the payload, more power for more payload mass of course.


This part is tricky. The engines will make the shuttle keel over either up or down depending on how much fuel is in the ET. Using the RCS is important, but don't just leave it on or risk running out of fuel. To minimize RCS throttle down when possible to let the SAS Reaction Wheels do the job.


Separate the external fuel tank when its empty. NOTE: The lower 2 Mainsails can only get fuel from the E, however the upper one, due to some fuel lines crossing over, can steal the OMS fuel, so it is important to deactivate the Main engines. I used NERVAs instead of Mono engines for increased range.

What Improvements does this have?

-Specially made nosecone on the orbiter

-Double stacked wings with sleek leading edge to fit the Mk3 Parts

-OMS Pods

-All Solid Boosters

-Orbiter designed to be a scale model of the real thing (slightly smaller with same proportions)

Action Groups:

1: Toggle Three Main "Mainsail" Thrusters

2: Toggle OMS NERVAs

3: Toggle Cargo Bay Doors

4: Toggle Ladder

5: Toggle Cockpit Lights and Cargo Bay Interior Light

Abort: I tried to make this as NASA style as possible, so sorry, no parachutes.

Launch Instructions:

1) Set Throttle to appropriate setting (~20% by default for no cargo)

2) Make sure payload is secure (warranty void if you don't do this!!!)

3) Press spacebar twice, once to fire the Main engines and twice to fire the SRBs and liftoff

4) At 100 m, do a roll program (roll shuttle so "up" is east/whatever direction you're launching in)

5) When the shuttle starts to pitch up too much, throttle up a little more (You will need to constantly watch the tilt and keep these engines at the right setting)

6) At 10 Km begin gravity turn and hold 45 degrees by the time you reach 15 Km.

7) When the SRBs run out press space to stage them off, IMMEDIATELY throttle down and turn on RCS, this will be hard to control for a while

8) When the apoapsis is 30 Km, pitch to 50 degrees (from vertical).

9) When the apoapsis is 40 Km, pitch to 60 degrees.

10) When the apoapsis is 55 Km, pitch to 85 degrees.

11) When the apoapsis is 60 Km, level off.

12) When the periapsis is about to become 20 Km (around 22 km is when debris get deleted), jettison the external fuel tank (if you haven't already), or you can keep going if you need some extra delta-V.

13) Press "1" and "2" to deactivate the Main engines and fire the OMS

14) Float to apoapsis and circularize.

15) Orbit! Do whatever you want now.:)


1) Deorbit somewhere that will get you to KSC

2) During re-entry, maneuver the shuttle to land at KSC

3) Once the flames stop, pitch down to 45 degrees (A VERRRRY steep descent path) (Blame KSP's terrible aerodynamic model for that). Basically, dive toward the runway.

4) If night, turn on the landing lights.

5) A bit of a warning, once this place pitches up you may need the RCS to push the nose back down...

6) About 100 meters above ground, PULL UP! If this is done correctly, you should touch down at about 55 m/s, and not crash. If done incorrectly, expect lots of explosions, press "backspace" or the Abort button on your HUD if you see explosions and slam the brakes.:wink:

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Legacy Shuttles:

Zephyr STS I (.25 -.90)

Poseidon STS (.23-.24)

Edited by RocketPilot573
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*grumbles* not enough parts...

...not even using KR-2Ls *shakes fist like old man*


Don't even try mine, I use Skippers :P

But it is a cool shuttle nonetheless, and if you make that hinge thing work to give useful gimbal, that will be really awesome. If not, you might try throttling down some SRBs and up others, so they burn out at different times and you have a flatter thrust curve, that's how I ended up taming mine.

Rune. Kudos on the hardest replica of them all!

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*grumbles* not enough parts...

...not even using KR-2Ls *shakes fist like old man*


At least I used mainsails (was originally going for Skippers but they where too small looking)

Don't even try mine, I use Skippers :P

But it is a cool shuttle nonetheless, and if you make that hinge thing work to give useful gimbal, that will be really awesome. If not, you might try throttling down some SRBs and up others, so they burn out at different times and you have a flatter thrust curve, that's how I ended up taming mine.

Rune. Kudos on the hardest replica of them all!

The problem I'm facing at the moment is the shear thrust of the mainsails destroying the hinge...:blush:

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