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[0.90] Lazor System v35 (Dec 17)


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Here is a little preview of what is coming in the next version of lazor system. With the help of the Damned Robotics pack with a modified rotatron, and an original idea from Barie. I have created what i call a lazor copter.


The helicopter rotor is placed between two rotatrons and it has repulsor lazors placed on them so they are hitting the cross looking part above, this causes the rotor to spin around and you get lift. The pod and the bottom part with the landing legs do not spin.

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could you make an explody lazor? sunbeam is nice but I cant control it with mouse.

lazor is not a weapon system, however i have spoken with Tosh about making sunbeam work with lazor system. What is stopping us from doing so is the gui. Perhaps you can give some suggestions about how you would like it to work?

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lazor is not a weapon system, however i have spoken with Tosh about making sunbeam work with lazor system. What is stopping us from doing so is the gui. Perhaps you can give some suggestions about how you would like it to work?

Well Basicly i want point at something click and have it shot with a laser that either blows it up instantly or over heats it.

Maybe you and tosh could make a plugin that takes the simple targeting controls of lazor system and implements a whole new weapon system(explosive laser, cannon, over heating device, laser guided missiles.)

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Well Basicly i want point at something click and have it shot with a laser that either blows it up instantly or over heats it.

Maybe you and tosh could make a plugin that takes the simple targeting controls of lazor system and implements a whole new weapon system(explosive laser, cannon, over heating device, laser guided missiles.)

What i and Tosh have talked about is making it possible for other devices to be used together with lazor system. Lazor system would then be the controller unit and when you attach for example a sunbeam to it the system will then take over the control of sunbeam. So the sunbeam will be controllable just like the lazors and you would be able to aim it with the mouse and the lazor system buttons. If someone then make other aimable devices they can be operated in the same manner. Any number of aimable devices could be attached then, such as cannons, missiles, cameras, antennas, grappling hooks etc.

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What i and Tosh have talked about is making it possible for other devices to be used together with lazor system. Lazor system would then be the controller unit and when you attach for example a sunbeam to it the system will then take over the control of sunbeam. So the sunbeam will be controllable just like the lazors and you would be able to aim it with the mouse and the lazor system buttons. If someone then make other aimable devices they can be operated in the same manner. Any number of aimable devices could be attached then, such as cannons, missiles, cameras, antennas, grappling hooks etc.

That sounds very interesting. please try this it would be amazing

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Another preview of what's coming in the next version of Lazor System. Here is a vessel i made to show off the new hover mode for the Tractor Beam subsystem.


The system should be able to lift and hover any given, symmertrical vessel, as long as you have enough tractor beams on it. The more mass the vessel has, the more stable it becomes. And as you can see, it then is possible to put engines on it and drive it like a hover craft.

I'm off to the mountains to see how it handles in rough terrain :D

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Funny to put all lazors down and reverse the tractor beam. Very efficient liftoff.

Before anyone states the obvious i am aware that the tractor beam is completely OP when used in this manner. In one of the coming updates it's range will be shortened and the power output will be reduced. For those who like it the way it is, i will leave a .cfg option to set it's power and range to whatever you please.

The afterburner will be the tool of choice if you need to increase the thrust of your vessel for a short time, but that system is also slightly unbalanced atm. as it increase the efficiency of the engines. It will be adjusted accordingly until the efficiency is slightly less than the normal operating mode.

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Romfarer, this is a crazy idea, but can it be possible to make a way for us to "dock" stuff, so we can build bigger space stations?

When you get within range, and point two lasers of the same type at each other, your ship is welded to the ship you were pointing at, and one of the command modules is removed, leaving you with one single ship.

Maybe it'd involve editing the persistent file, but still, would be god damn insane, and now that you put fuel transfer in all my dreams have a chance of becoming a reality.

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I mentioned somethign similar to this in IRC, a variant of the tractor beam that holds the target at the set distance, in effect a Laser "Strut"

It would be limited to a maximum range of 2.5km, but really it only needs to operate at much lower distances :)

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I hear squad is working on docking so it is little point in me creating that system.

I mentioned somethign similar to this in IRC, a variant of the tractor beam that holds the target at the set distance, in effect a Laser "Strut"

This is coming in the next version. I have already made the "holds the thing at a set distance" system and now i am working on some core features that will allow for lazor grouping and control of one or more lazors separately. It will also be possible to run several tractor beam systems on different lazor groups, all at the same time. This means you can make vessels that both hover at a set distance, and can lift and move other vessels. Or keep vessels together in orbit.

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I hear squad is working on docking so it is little point in me creating that system.

This is coming in the next version. I have already made the "holds the thing at a set distance" system and now i am working on some core features that will allow for lazor grouping and control of one or more lazors separately. It will also be possible to run several tractor beam systems on different lazor groups, all at the same time. This means you can make vessels that both hover at a set distance, and can lift and move other vessels. Or keep vessels together in orbit.

It's just because we don't really have any way of doing it in the meantime, and god knows when it'll be included in the game, but okay!

Is that warp / i'm-controlling-another-vessel-not-related-proof?

Before anyone states the obvious i am aware that the tractor beam is completely OP when used in this manner. In one of the coming updates it's range will be shortened and the power output will be reduced. For those who like it the way it is, i will leave a .cfg option to set it's power and range to whatever you please.

About this I was wondering the possibility of making this compatible with that big energy plugin. MMI, I believe it's called?

god damn, i should stop

Edited by Oicani
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Is that warp / i'm-controlling-another-vessel-not-related-proof?

So you are refering to the "two vessels are locked by tractor beam, at warp problem" i take it.....

I will have to actually complete the system and do some warp test to see how it handles. LazorSystem turns off when the vessel is packed/unloaded but i can just save the relative positions it had before that happened and restore it once the vessels are within range of a controllable LazorSystem.

It may also be the case that once the vessels are locked their orbits may be syncronous enough that the tractor beams will fix the problem automatically once they are activated again.

About this I was wondering the possibility of making this compatible with that big energy plugin. MMI, I believe it's called?

I have plans to add some energy requirements to the system. I have looked at some of the energy mods but i feel that they are not ready for integration yet, JUST LIKE my LazorSystem is not yet ready to be integrated.

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Can you use this with MechJeb or is that just too much to handle? :P

Last i heard was that MechJeb is compatible with LazorSystem. I have also seen examples of both systems being run at the same time complementing eachother.

I don't know of any system which is not compatible with lazor system.

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