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[0.90] Lazor System v35 (Dec 17)


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I'm happy to hear that you like the system :D

And with that i present beta 7. It is ready for download, see the op for details. You can make your own lazor ufo lifter with this version. Let me know if you run into any issues. /Enjoy

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Well, I did some testing, and I think the tractor beems are a bit over powered, considering I can get out of the atmosphear using them as my only propultion. *first person into space using only lazers*

other than that, nice update!

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Well, I did some testing, and I think the tractor beems are a bit over powered, considering I can get out of the atmosphear using them as my only propultion. *first person into space using only lazers*

other than that, nice update!

I am aware that a some of the lazors are overpowered atm. specifically in regardws to the the afterburner and the tractor beams. These and all subsystems of the Lazor will will receive proper balancing in due time. For now my focus in completely on functionality. To make sure that the subsystems will have the effect they are designed to.

I appreciate that you report the overpowerndness of the system and i take note of everything reported. That seid i really would like to stress that, at the moment, functionality bug reports are more helpful. Such as exceptions or crashes. Admitteldy i have yet to receive reports in that category but reports on how to improve the system are always helpful.

In the next update i will NERF the tractor beam and the afterburner, not to decrease their power, but to make sure that: 1. planes will not be able to enter orbit with afterburner and 2. tractor beams will not be a free engine to reach orbit. Afterburner is a system that is designed to deliver increased thrust at the cost of increased fuel consumption, and the tractor beams are designed for short range use.

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Well if its bugs your looking for, while I was fooling with the option to make lazers contact points and exit points visible, I must have set somthing wrong, becuase the subsystems window died, along with the other windows not including the core one that moves the lazers. I could not get them back, nor reproduce this bug. Was strange. Also, I dont think the middle bution on the lazer mover controls is working. It just locks to some off world angle and I cant move it with the mouse.

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is there any way to combine that target cam vision filters to ''Multiversal Mechatronics'' Fixed Cameras?

The target cam uses a different technique to display the camera, one that makes easy to add filters. But i'll have a look at it again and if i can make it work on the main camera, it should work when you switch on one of his cameras as well.

Well if its bugs your looking for, while I was fooling with the option to make lazers contact points and exit points visible, I must have set somthing wrong, becuase the subsystems window died, along with the other windows not including the core one that moves the lazers. I could not get them back, nor reproduce this bug. Was strange. Also, I dont think the middle bution on the lazer mover controls is working. It just locks to some off world angle and I cant move it with the mouse.

When the window dies like that it is because of an exception and then i really need to see the output.log. But in any case i will try to reproduce this bug.

You can also activate mouse mode with the "1" key. I have never heard about any issues with it before, but see if it works with the hotkey. Also, if this happened in the same session your window died, then it is directly related to that and the only way to fix it is to fix the window dieing bug.

Edited by Romfarer
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NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

at Romfarer.LazorSystem.get_cfgs () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at Romfarer.LazorSystem.onPartDestroy () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at Part.OnDestroy () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

Only thing interesting that relates to your mod in my directory. Ill keep playing around with it to see if I can find more bugs, or get you more data.

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The target cam uses a different technique to display the camera, one that makes easy to add filters. But i'll have a look at it again and if i can make it work on the main camera, it should work when you switch on one of his cameras as well.

cool thank you :)... do you think we can add filiters to cameras simply changing their cfg file like changing their fovs ? so we can add special cameras to spacecrafts so we can take picture with these filters... i should ask this one also to r4m0n

im thinking to make Imaging Science Subsystem (iss) mini-mod with realistic camera fovs if i get that filters on hull cams

Edited by ashrutoraman
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cool thank you :)... do you think we can add filiters to cameras simply changing their cfg file like changing their fovs?

Fov can easily be set in a .cfg file. Filters on the other hand are written in shaderlab so unless it is something really simple (like color settings) it won't be possible. Alternatively they could be hardcoded and referenced from the .cfg. The filters are also purely post processing filters so it is difficult to make anything useful.

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If the cameras have a Z-channel, that might be useful for a depth field filter (like sonar). Edge filters might be useful as well, I dunno though...

It might be possible to do this, at least to make the sonar camera. For edge detection it's not going to be that easy. I will need to program it in CG and i'm pretty sure that is only available on surface shaders which have to be compiled separately and put in the unity resource directory.

There is a lot of really cool stuff that could be done in mods if we could figure out how to install such custom surface shaders.

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Guest butt head

Planned features:

Crazy ideas wanted

i got 1 for ya id like to point a lazer at the ground and then fire a lazer guided missile and have the missile home in to the point i am pointing the lazer currently or lock a location before i fire that it will go to

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It might be possible to do this, at least to make the sonar camera. For edge detection it's not going to be that easy. I will need to program it in CG and i'm pretty sure that is only available on surface shaders which have to be compiled separately and put in the unity resource directory.

There is a lot of really cool stuff that could be done in mods if we could figure out how to install such custom surface shaders.

Actually, it is post-processing as well, check this out: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sobel_operator (math can be so cool sometimes oO)

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someone give this man a internet for the love of God!!!!! I actually just got on here to see if anyone has made something like that another option is if you could make a new lazor or just an option for say the green one that would take over controls and keep it pointed at the target or something also how does the target system work I'd like to make new one's then follow them but I can't figure out how it works =\ i get like a zn12543462 or a collison something and it just switchs from one to the other =(

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id like to point a lazer at the ground and then fire a lazer guided missile and have the missile home in to the point i am pointing the lazer currently or lock a location before i fire that it will go to

There won't be any dedicated missile system but it will be possible to configure the system to do this. Some "ground targeting" features will come to the kps system and follow target will eventually come to the remote control system.

maybe we can manage to take screenshots from that target cameras or adding option to fullscreen them ? btw where we can change that target cam's fov's?

I'm going to add some scaling functions to the target cam. And you can't change the target cam's fov yet, but i might just add that as well.

Actually, it is post-processing as well, check this out: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sobel_operator (math can be so cool sometimes oO)

Thanks for the link, quite informative. ;-) however, the issue here is not so much the algorithms. It is a matter of what i'ts reasonably possible to do with the tools at hand. I could be wrong but i think CG programs in shaders is limited to surface shaders as i described in a post earlier. It might also be the case that i can't even add matrix operations in shaderlab without the CG extension.

if you could make a new lazor or just an option for say the green one that would take over controls and keep it pointed at the target

You can do this with the red lazors -> lazor guided flight system. It has a follow target function which will keep your rocket pointed at the target. Airplanes have a different flight system.

how does the target system work I'd like to make new one's then follow them but I can't figure out how it works =\ i get like a zn12543462 or a collison something and it just switchs from one to the other =(

I guess you have been using the lidar system. This is a short range target finding system. It will send out lazor beams and add anything it hits to the target list. If you just want to target vessels, it is best to use blue lazors -> tracking station linkup. This will show all vessels in your game on the target list. And from there you can target/track/fly and destroy them.

Edited by Romfarer
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