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  1. After Kerbal Engineer Redux, this is my second favorite mod. Thanks for all the work you put into it.
  2. That's not going to help people when they lose 15 hours of progress. F2P games have figured out that people don't like losing even a single level's worth of progress in a crap mobile game. Just look up all the sob story posts by people that hit F9 and then figured out they did a quicksave many hours or days ago.
  3. That's totally believable. Valve doesn't want developers selling the game themselves and giving users steam keys because it wouldn't give Valve their cut of the price. They aren't a free game distribution platform.
  4. They might see a small decline in sales after that...
  5. I bought two extra copies of the game to give away a while back because I was having too much fun with the game and wanted to support Squad.
  6. That is correct. Steam supports incremental downloads for updating games. This means that game patches are usually a small percentage of the size of the full download. It would be nice if they could get the KSP patcher working again....
  7. This mod is great. It would be awesome if we could toggle the display with the toolbar button.
  8. I just noticed that module manager 2.5.10 was released, apparently mid February. However CKAN still shows 2.5.9 as the latest version, even after refreshing. What needs to happen to get this updated?
  9. I've been having issues updating ADIOS as well. It encounters an unhandled exception. CKAN shows this in the installing mods window: Then an exception window opens: Is there any way we can update a mod manually, and then force CKAN to recognize that it has been updated?
  10. 1.0 is already a really ambitious update. I doubt they would want to throw a major game engine change into that mix.
  11. I don't understand the objection with those conditions. In stock aerodynamics parts generate drag according to their mass, so clipping them does nothing to help the flight characteristics. Maybe you were thinking of FAR, or am I missing something?
  12. The download page keeps giving me US_Core_0.9.0.242.zip. Is there a download of 0.9.1 somewhere?
  13. I also have a newer firespitter.dll. I think I will hold off on updating 6S until this is fixed. I don't think going back to old versions of stuff will be good for whatever included the dll.
  14. For some reason, I can't seem to use the Analyze Data function. I have tried both the radar altimetry and multispectral scanner and neither seem to let me analyze data even with 100% coverage. This is KSP x64, for reference.
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