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  1. Past hour
  2. How to show non-RO parts in game? I upgraded my game from 1.10.x to 1.12.3, most issues to my save are fixed, except that some parts are missing, and I failed to figure out how to make the game to load those parts. I used robotic parts from stock DLC in vessels(such as hinges and grip strips), but I can not find those parts anywhere.
  3. it's not a transparent effect, it's an invisible DepthMask mesh being rendered. Do you have a restock or standalone depth mask plugin?
  4. I upgraded my game from 1.10.x to 1.12.3, most issues to my save are fixed, except one: I used robotic parts from stock DLC in vessels(such as hinges and grip strips), but I can not find those parts anywhere. Is there any way to load these parts?
  5. Today
  6. Thanks for replying anyway, i might remove FAR and see what happens before moving forward. Thanks for even looking at the spaghetti of the modded ksp that i have running (EDIT) Looks like it could issue somewhere in FAR (Like you hinted) as removing it fixed the problem. Might go pester them sometime about it
  7. New in this latest version release-207: 1.) NearFutureSolar support added in Kopernicus Multistar code, in particular for their custom curved panels. 2.) This month will be targeting mod support for the multistar system where it previously was broken, please post any mods you find where panels do not work in multistar and I will try to add support. See Known Bugs & Caveats for known bugs.
  8. that's odd, it definitely is released on spacedock lemme check whats going on EDIT: should be fixed
  9. uhh, bro, you added the link tothe Sarnus Plus Spacedock link page in the Urlum Plus area Oh, OPX-UrlumPlus isn't released on Spacedock
  10. These parts aren't using RealChute, I can't help with that unfortunately. EDIT: To expand a bit, those are made compatible through a FAR patch that adds a generated instance of RealChute. I've written the original implementation of that patch, but I no longer manage it. You would likely want to consult the FAR thread for this. You also probably want to check this in an environment with *much less mods*, there's too much noise in that log to make out much (i.e. just FAR and that part mod). It's not unlikely the problem could be an interaction with something else.
  11. Calling 911 because Moon is sailing.
  12. OPX-UrlumPlus has been released in its alpha testing phase. Have fun! It adds two large moons and a centaur and redoes Urlum completely, with much more to come in the future. Once again it is currently in the alpha phase, so expect and report bugs to me. The suggestion box is as always open in the OP. Future updates will massively increase the feature scope of this installment. Noice
  13. So. Today I launched a mission, in my WIP mod, Beyond Jool. The probe was called the Sarkin Surveyor. This is its story.
  14. Those are still compatible. MKS is fun for colonies if u like logistics
  15. @stupid_chrisHaving an issue with some chutes from a mod deciding not to act as parachutes. The chutes work correctly when in the semi-deployed state, but when deployed they stop slowing the craft down and the craft accelerates towards the ground. Here's the ksp.log here. Also here are the part.cfgs here in case its something related to that and/or some interaction with realchute https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_r7LniV-rGwqOTE1emBr9IIiZUThlo4y/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Gjyd6DdJU_ifhf1u8EDiHnpMYmOubJMC/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xgMqpA5zOjg1r6xzhicwbMVfYDQz07ZJ/view?usp=sharing The mod is https://spacedock.info/mod/3649/SSAUCE
  16. I have ... let me count WOO T-00:05:00 SOON should I include KcalBeloh in the counting? 129 celestials, excluding kcalbeloh system, including everithing else, even WH-smth a T-00:00:00 EDIT: +3 objects because somebody released a new mod
  17. Remembered I took some yesterday and added them. More will be added later but now there's SOMETHING. no but actually how many objects do you have? I can't be surprised, I used to have a save with 50 planet packs
  18. Welcome to the forum @StarKerbol, your issue has been moved from KSP 1 Discussion to KSP 1 Gameplay questions. An image of your vessel would help, does it have RCS?
  19. Hey all, Long time KSP player that has returned recently. Starting with reasonably-modded build. PC has a AMD Radeon RX 7900 XTX, a Ryzen 7 7800 X3D, and 64 GB of RAM. I am early in my playthrough and about to launch my first station into orbit, but when going to the VAB, my install slows to 1 FPS and any interaction at all results in a warning that the game is not responding. Anyone that has suggestions, other than the obvious (i.e., uninstall mods generally) would be much appreciated. I have my FPS capped at 75, and until now, I've never moved off that number. Logs: 1 FPS
  20. no not because of the lag because of how many objects i have Don't ask how many objects I have. DON'T.
  21. ok It's a visual effect, so i'm fine I will die if somebody forces me to do a grand tour of the kerbol system with my install. btw i'm watching falcon 9 launch after getting grounded
  22. Sarnus screenshots come when mom stops hogging the KSP computer to play her online board games lol That's just a thing that rings do in main menus, unfortunately
  23. Cool, also when does Sarnus screenshots come? I have a bug to commit, the ring in the main menu overlaps the text.
  24. I have CKAN, but CKAN isn't only downloading, not installing; however, I'm mostly installing manually.
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