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Everything posted by LDBlokland

  1. Wait, isn't that engine a bit too strong for tech level one? Since by what I've picked up, tech level one is mostly ww1 tech, and that's a B-29 engine, at least i think so.
  2. I made a fighter for East Kerbin. HERE IT IS: https://kerbalx.com/LDBlokland/Blokland-DR-124 it costs around 11,221 units in the SPH.
  3. I wanted to make a bomber... but i guess not until aerial bombs have been developed.
  4. what airplaneplus proppeler engines are included in tech level 1? Just to be sure
  5. I have fitted a weapons manager on my craft. And I haven't updated to ksp 1.4, and have a version of BDA that is compatible with 1.3.1
  6. Sorry for waiting this long. I have fixed the problem, but thanks for trying to help
  7. All the bdarmory parts show up and do work, but when i click the bdarmory icon in flight, the weapon manager GUI doesn't show up. can anyone help me with fixing this?
  8. Recently I have had problems with my center of lift always pointing straight down, even though i have my wings set forward, can someone help me with fixing this issue?
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