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11 Good

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  1. the inventor is smart enough to stop the meteorite and dinosaurs rule the world you fly to the mun, whats the worst that can happen?
  2. talk to the kraken, he'll sort it out waiter there's a planet in my soup
  3. how is this thread not closed yet?
  4. how did you get it? waiter there's a kraken in my soup!
  5. you use rockets to adjust kerbins orbit and all the kerbals crash into the sun and die you invent a time machine and stop ww2 from happening. what could go wrong?
  6. Debug your ship for space pearch
  7. I know right, it looks exactly like that one shot in that one video with the tiny firework thing. its such a cool coincidence oh and a 7/10, a bit on the simple side of things but fits nicely
  8. 4/10 its an ok plane but white backgrounds are boring
  9. lead your SpaceX for mars research
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