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Ninja possum32

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  1. I can hardly balance the weight to take off correctly. Or I have too MUCH weight and crash into the tower
  2. Yeah I know but he nav ball puts me on a WIERD course
  3. I know how to do every part except for get into a good orbit at 100km. When ever I press a/d my rocket never goes straight down it always yaws in a wierd way. If you could please make me a tutorial or tel me how using stock parts.
  4. I haven\'t been on the forum for weeks but can simeone please tall me what happend to the rp server. I can\'t reply or post new, I can only notify and mark read. Can someone please tell me what happend or if this is just a glitch
  5. I haven\'t got the update yet. Has it been released to the US
  6. I drive a delivery truck that explodes in a mass chemical bomb. My poisonous destroyed hill
  7. Granted, you fall off worlds tallest slide and die I wish for a cheese burger
  8. ok, I made an account and all but how do you get to the part where you make the mod
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