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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I strongly disagree with this post. If someone should get something for free, then it should be those veterans and that's because they did not give money to Squad for a game but for a POTENCIAL game. KSP is great game right now, but let's be honest in the beginning (like pretty much every game) it wasn't that good. No features, bad design and poor optimization. And those people still paid their money and thanks to them we have an AWESOME game which has not been even completed yet. Yes i know it suck that someone gets more stuff for less money, but Squad had to make decision and there will be always few people who bought the game a day or a week later and they will have to pay for expansion's and DLC's. As regards of the expansions of KSP, it must be something big. If they will release parts bundle or just some minor features, there won't be no need to buy them because of mods. Why should anyone pay money for something they can get for free... With that said, i'll gladly throw my money on Harvester and whole Squad because they deserve it.
  2. I would like see this in a game, but only after u send some satelite thingy or scientist team.
  3. No email recieved too. Hope u guys will fix it fast.
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