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Article Comments posted by Frybert

  1. A bit of background before I pose a couple of questions:


    How many remember back to the 1.0 release? Leading up to the release the consensus was that squad should hold off on 1.0 and release a public beta because of how big of a change was coming. And sure enough, a lot of bugs, tweaks, balance, and missed features slipped through testing. The running joke on the forum was that 1.0 should have been called 'Should have done beta'. Its got to the point that squad had to come to the forums and take the blame for rushing 1.0 through testing because people started wondering if the testers were simply incompetent. It appears that squad has indeed heeded the community and wants there to be a much wider testing phase before offical release so they don't need to churn out 3 or 4 hot fixes in a week.


    So the question I pose is this:
    Had squad not done this testing, and released a bug filled, unbalanced update, would the community have to the forums en mass to complain that squad didn't put the update through more rigorous testing?

    An even more interesting question is:
    Would the people protesting squad's current plan be among those voices?

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