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  • Goodbye, friends


    Hello everyone,


    It’s a very (very) old expression: “there is an end to everything, to good things as well”. It’s held true since it was first said, and it holds true for my time at Kerbal Space Program as well. Although I’ve always known that new things would come along, saying goodbye to a project I’m invested in as much as this one is never easy and never comes at an opportune moment.


    Just under four years ago I started posting on these forums, helping out in Support where I could, and creating some rudimentary support documentation. Not long after the request came to join the experimental testers, soon followed by one to become a forum moderator. Two years ago I was then given the chance to come on board officially at Squad professionally, working my way up from Lead Moderator - taking care of the forums only - to Community Lead and taking charge of many more aspects of the community as well as PR and marketing. There’s been a lot to learn along the way, and I’m especially proud of having been able to help guide the game through it’s official 1.0 launch.


    During this whole time the community never ceased to amaze me. Between forum posts, videos, livestreams, private messages, and any other avenue you can think of there was always something to brighten a day when working with you. I especially love reading about ways in which the game has touched people’s lives, and made them realize a previously undiscovered passion, or even inspired them to pursue a career or education in rocket science.


    Now it’s time for me to move on to new and exciting projects, but I could never forget the time spent here. I thoroughly enjoyed working with the developers, taking care of the community, and of course playing the game. I can only hope you manage to inspire Andrea and Daniele similar to how you inspired me. To go back to where this post started: there is an end to everything, to good things as well. Thank you all for being an amazing community, I hope you never stop being that. Feel free to poke me on the forums or on Twitter at any time, and you’ll definitely still see me visit a KSP livestream every now and then.


    Fly safe,









    Edited by KasperVld

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    Thanks a bunch for all your hard work, I am sure there is a lot of unseen work that us Kerbonauts on the Forum never see. I've enjoyed all the helpful information you brought and I hope your new endeavors are exciting for you. See ya later................. In Kerbal Space!


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    What!? You're leaving!! Nooooo. Kasper you've been a great asset to this community and you will be missed (though hopefully you'll drop in on us from time to time, right? right!).
    Good luck with whatever comes next!

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    Another one bites the dust?! No offence to you, Kasper, wish you well, however, it concerns me that Squad has been losing a lot of "Veteran talent"

    Hope they can hire someone who can fill your shoes.

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    Kasper, you have done great work for this community and have shaped it into what it is. Everyone on these forums thanks you and will miss you. Go out and conquer the stars.

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    Noooooooooo!  Kasper!!!! :(  You are truly one of the best things that has ever happened to this community.  I wish you the best in your future endeavors.  


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    Impossible!  I can't find any 'leave' or 'delete profile' links in my settings.  How does one leave the KSP forum?

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    Man, such a shame to see all these wonderful people leave the KSP team :(.

    Thank you for all that you have done for KSP and us, the community. And i hope you pay us a visit form time to time.


    And also, best of luck on you future endeavours :wink:.


    (This was not drawn by me. It was drawn by aamypink)

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    Jammer, ik ben zelf nooit echt actief geweest op het forum, maar heb het al jaren veel gelezen. Het zal niet het hetzelfde zijn zonder jou. Succes met je toekomstige projecten! Don't be a stranger!

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    Kasper now too? :(

    You will definitely be missed, Sir. We all greatly appreciate the work you've done.


    I very much hope that there aren't things going on behind the scenes that are causing so many of the Devs to leave. When HarvesteR announced he was leaving it was a definite shock. Given that in every company I have worked for, if someone was pressured to resign or outright fired, the management always outright lied to people who were still with the company, and painted a pretty picture stating that the employee had decided to "move on" to "better things" when the reality was anything but pretty. I know my own experiences jade me somewhat and make me suspicious and I very much hope that my instinct is wrong and that there's not something nefarious going on behind the curtain in the case of Post-1.0 KSP. I love the game that Felipe set out to make, and I very much hope that all the new Devs that come in will share that vision and keep growing the game in the same spirit as the original Devs.

    Edited by Justicier
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      On 9/10/2016 at 1:31 PM, Justicier said:

    I very much hope that there aren't things going on behind the scenes that are causing so many of the Devs to leave. When HarvesteR announced he was leaving it was a definite shock. Given that in every company I have worked for, if someone was pressured to resign or outright fired, the management always outright lied to people who were still with the company, and painted a pretty picture stating that the employee had decided to "move on" to "better things" when the reality was anything but pretty. I know my own experiences jade me somewhat and make me suspicious and I very much hope that my instinct is wrong and that there's not something nefarious going on behind the curtain in the case of Post-1.0 KSP. I love the game that Felipe set out to make, and I very much hope that all the new Devs that come in will share that vision and keep growing the game in the same spirit as the original Devs.


    I don't think so... This is part of regular turnover you see at every company. People have to switch jobs to advance their careers and keep their work lives fresh and exciting. You can only do the same thing for a living for so long until it gets too familiar and doesn't challenge you anymore.

    Plus, look at what we're getting in patch 1.2. The new dev team has taken things in a new direction -- one the community has been asking for for a long time. Sometimes it's good when the old guard gets replaced with a new team with a fresh perspective and vision for the game.

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