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  • Kerbal Space Program update 1.1 “Turbo Charged” is now available!


    1.1 Turbo Charged


    Hello everyone!


    Kerbal Space Program is “Turbo Charged” by the release of patch 1.1!


    After almost a year of hard work our major update is finally here! In the package you’ll find a large boost in performance due to the upgrade to the Unity 5 game engine, 64 bit binaries for Windows and OSX that will help you mod the game to ridiculous lengths, and the brand new KSPedia reference guide for all the information you need to play the game!


    That’s not all though, here are some of the highlights for this patch:

    All new user interface
    The user interface has been rewritten from the ground up to take full advantage of Unity 5’s new integrated systems. The ‘parallel’ UI systems have been removed and the game now uses only one system, adding to the performance bonus the update already brings. Almost all interface elements have been redesigned and tweaked but have retained the familiar feel for experienced players. The most notable tweaks can be found in the map view, staging, IVA portraits and the right-click part menus.

    Players can now search through parts by typing in text greatly reducing the time needed to find that one part needed to complete the rocket. The Tracking Station will inform the player of a craft’s next maneuver node time, helping players to maintain several active flights at any one time. The Space Center overview features buttons for all the buildings, making sure you don’t miss out on any part of the space program by overlooking mission control!


    KSPedia will be the primary source for information on just about anything in the game. New players will find the basics of building and flying explained here, and more experienced players can take in information about more advanced concepts such as docking, in-situ resource utilisation and all the information they need to plan a successful mission to the next planet or moon.

    New tutorials and scenarios
    The tutorials have been extended and reworked from the ground up. The new tutorials will cover topics ranging from basic and advanced construction and flight, to docking and landing on Mun. Learn how to execute the perfect gravity turn, orbit Kerbin and land the Eagle.

    Not only tutorials have been reworked: we’ve extended the available pool of scenarios as well, increasing it by 150%! Use a spaceplane to re-enter the atmosphere and land it back on the runway at the Kerbal Space Center, return a craft without heat shield from Duna, or beat SpaceX at their own game by flying back the first stage of a rocket to the launch pad. These new scenarios will unlock these advanced topics for any player!

    A special thank you goes out to everyone involved in testing the QA, experimental and pre-release versions.

    Kerbal Space Program 1.1 is now available on the KSP Store and Steam, and will soon be available on other third party platforms.



    Edited by KasperVld

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    When I was downloading 0.13.3 to pay my respects to the original demo, it said the same thing for a server migration. Seriously!!! My nostalgia, ruined!!!!!;.;

    Edited by FirstSecondThird
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      On 4/24/2016 at 2:40 AM, The_Shortline_Gamer said:

    Now that 1.1 is out i have downloaded a lot of mods, all of them updated for 1.1. However whenever i try to load one of my save games it crashes. So i just wanted to point that out.


    If you have Dynamic Texture Loader, uninstall it. That's another thing I need to do...

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      On 4/23/2016 at 2:31 PM, djellison said:

    Tried that.  Didn't work.  Tried every browser, after a DNS flush, on yet another network ( not home, not work ) and STILL - Server Migration notice on every single download.

    This is getting a bit silly.  Come on Squad - there's clearly a problem here.


    Yeah, Honestly this happens every update for my and I wait a few weeks for it to fix itself but, Squad really needs to do something about it.

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    Wait... My 16 Gigs of ram is going to be able to be used in Windows....? *Cries* Thank you Squad!   And here I was about to download the mods for RSS!


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      On 4/21/2016 at 12:47 PM, T3Kaos said:

    I am massively not pleased. I love KSP so much and particularly adored my modded build of 1.0.5. Unfortunately I am with Steam so now despite me having the Previous Stable Release selected and operating on 1.0.5, CKAN now only recognises it as 1.1.0 and won't give me all of my mods back. What the frack!? I mean, seriously? And you wil be wondering, why not just use 1.1.0? Well, because to be honest, it feels really rather pointless. Despite being massively faster than 1.0.5 it just feels unfinished and massively rushed. I'd have rather waited till 1.2 to be honest and had a real upgrade. Version 1.1.0 feels like the Windows 8 of Kerbal Space Program. The interface is massively misaligned in terms of size and it feels like a mismash of old and new art assets. Nice update but I would have preferred to wait for a full and proper upgrade. Now after all that moaning, good work Squad. As always still loving KSP!


    UPDATE: Ok. Well, I've bitten the bullet and am now playing 1.1 with the growing library of compatible mods to supersede my old sets. The game is definitely more stable however there are still some quite interesting crashes here and there particularly when running the game in full screen mode for some reason on my laptop. It actually appears to prefer running in windowed mode. The game, graphically in terms of lighting and shadowing is definitely a massive jump forwards and some of the physics also feels a little more 'real' than the previous version did. Still a ways to go before my Career Save is where my old version one was but so far things are looking promising. I still wish that the UI were about 30-40% smaller though to be honest. Also some of the screen button assignments (F2 = No UI) no longer appear to work? What gives?

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    FWIW - Just tried from yet another internet connection - Edge, IE, FF and Chrome, before and after a DNS flush - still 'Server Migration' notice.  

    A week since release now.

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    1.1  less laggy , performance better.....  BUT... crashy.. a lot of game crash, more than before.. game crash on vab, launch pad , in flight....      i expect to see my rocket to crash..not the game!!!!!

    and kerbals still kick ladders..

    and base on minmus, for exemple, jump..and jump when i switch from any ship/probe/whatever things andcome back to the base...  even just connecting someting make it jumping high..  

    orbital station disassemble...i assume its same things that make bases jumps, it simply destroy stations

    i keep my opinion about ksp..   could be great.. but so many things/bugs make it so bad to play..  

    uninstalling again.. and see an other game.. adios, i have enough of ksp crashes

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      On 4/26/2016 at 9:04 PM, aratnamedsammy said:

    1.1  less laggy , performance better.....  BUT... crashy.. a lot of game crash, more than before.. game crash on vab, launch pad , in flight....      i expect to see my rocket to crash..not the game!!!!!

    and kerbals still kick ladders..

    and base on minmus, for exemple, jump..and jump when i switch from any ship/probe/whatever things andcome back to the base...  even just connecting someting make it jumping high..  

    orbital station disassemble...i assume its same things that make bases jumps, it simply destroy stations

    i keep my opinion about ksp..   could be great.. but so many things/bugs make it so bad to play..  

    uninstalling again.. and see an other game.. adios, i have enough of ksp crashes


    Less laggy to what? I see what you imply here, no need for drama =)

    This is how software works. This is why I use Debian Stable, only adding pieces of software from backports when gains outweight the risks. All software goes through this cycle - bad or not, they just switched to newer Unity engine and rewrote a lot of code. Give them the time, it will stabilize.

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      On 4/27/2016 at 10:01 PM, Kerbal101 said:

    Less laggy to what? I see what you imply here, no need for drama =)

    This is how software works. This is why I use Debian Stable, only adding pieces of software from backports when gains outweight the risks. All software goes through this cycle - bad or not, they just switched to newer Unity engine and rewrote a lot of code. Give them the time, it will stabilize.


    I've been a software developer all my career, I'm currently a data architect using continuous integration and know the pain that comes from switching platforms and making releases with substantial functional change.

    I'm accommodating to those difficulties and tread carefully around them when making use of open source code, new tools, frameworks, etc.

    When you say "this is how software works", however, I feel you are being either dis-ingenuous or niaive; This is paid-for shrink-wrapped software, it is a reasonable expectation that software does not accrue instability.  If I released something as unstable as KSP 1.1 internally within the company then I'd be rightly pulled up on it and the release would not leave the door to our customers.  It'd go back for more work, more internal testing, even before reaching UAT.

    I'm all for betas, I'm all for unstable release candidates that people can Choose to download, because I'm all for the choice you you cited of "when gains outweigh the risks".  But this was a full release, advertised from the roof tops, and something people would get automatically through steam; not an opt-in but an opt-out, not a choice but a presumption.

    My view, from a QA perspective, is that this was a miss.  Many may disagree, you have every right to your perspective, some/many/most may even say that I've grossly missed the mark.  But if I was in Squad I'd be embarrassed by the experiences people have had of the 1.1 release.  Not least because it takes the shine off the huge amounts of fantastic work that has been successful.

    Strikes me that financial / marketing / business pressures pushed this out of the door to draw a line and move on from.  But the user experiences I'm hearing remind me of how Netscape managed to destroy their own business.  I perosnally think people have a right to be dis-pleased.

    True, it's only a game.  So, I'm not clamoring for financial compensation that my mining mission to Jool's moons exploded on landing (a landing it repeated successfully several times in 1.0.5).  But it's still software I paid for, it's become more buggy and unstable, and that instability means that none of the good new stuff is worth a thing to me, for now.

    (I just pray that 1.1.1 helps sufficiently, and that 1.0.5 stays as the previous version in Steam, just-in-case.)


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      On 4/28/2016 at 8:52 AM, MatBailie said:

    Strikes me that financial / marketing / business pressures pushed this out of the door to draw a line and move on from.  But the user experiences I'm hearing remind me of how Netscape managed to destroy their own business.  I perosnally think people have a right to be dis-pleased.

    True, it's only a game.  So, I'm not clamoring for financial compensation that my mining mission to Jool's moons exploded on landing (a landing it repeated successfully several times in 1.0.5).  But it's still software I paid for, it's become more buggy and unstable, and that instability means that none of the good new stuff is worth a thing to me, for now.

    (I just pray that 1.1.1 helps sufficiently, and that 1.0.5 stays as the previous version in Steam, just-in-case.)



    If you are software dev then you would know the case reasons for instability and why they do the proper thing. Report the bugs, keep a copy of old stable (GOG here, no drm, no worries) - they are active and its gonna be fixed. There are logical reasons for it to become unstable. Early versions of anything "Supercharged" is rarely stable. :)

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      On 4/28/2016 at 9:15 AM, Kerbal101 said:

    If you are software dev then you would know the case reasons for instability and why they do the proper thing. Report the bugs, keep a copy of old stable (GOG here, no drm, no worries) - they are active and its gonna be fixed. There are logical reasons for it to become unstable. Early versions of anything "Supercharged" is rarely stable. :)


    Then it should not have been a full advertised release.  It should be a beta.  It should be a release candidate.  It's not stable, so it shouldn't be advertised as one.

    You can't have your cake and eat it, you can't push a stable release then claim "but it's an early release, of course it's not stable".

    I'm not saying there are not reasons, I'm not saying they're not being addressed, I'm not saying don't have a beta, I'm not saying don't have opt-in unstable releases.

    I'm saying that the current build is not suitable for the title "stable release" that Squad have given it.

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    There are logical reasons that things can become unstable, but I agree with MatBailie, there's no logical reason to release buggy product that is not prominently stamped "BETA."  That is unless you like stressing out your customers and development staff, not to mention driving up your support costs and almost certainly deterring new customers. I've been writing software for 20 years. I've seen it happen both ways and getting it right before it goes out the door is by far my preferred experience.

    Also, Kerbal101, respectfully, "Release Early, Release Often" is NOT an excuse to release buggy product. It may mean you might have to ship less per cycle. Even nothing. But whatever you ship should be 100% ready to go. The feedback you get from your customers should NOT include "hey I found this bug..."  


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      On 4/28/2016 at 8:28 PM, Kurld said:

    Also, Kerbal101, respectfully, "Release Early, Release Often" is NOT an excuse to release buggy product. It may mean you might have to ship less per cycle. Even nothing. But whatever you ship should be 100% ready to go. The feedback you get from your customers should NOT include "hey I found this bug..."  


    I know projects which died because of holding back and thus a slow update pace. Squad is doing a splendid job, if something is wrong - report it, if current release is not stable enough - roll back.
    There are real reasons behind 1.1 instability and they are deal with, so gentlemen - fire up the bug reports. =)


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      On 4/28/2016 at 8:28 PM, Kurld said:

    There are logical reasons that things can become unstable, but I agree with MatBailie, there's no logical reason to release buggy product that is not prominently stamped "BETA."  That is unless you like stressing out your customers and development staff, not to mention driving up your support costs and almost certainly deterring new customers. I've been writing software for 20 years. I've seen it happen both ways and getting it right before it goes out the door is by far my preferred experience.

    Also, Kerbal101, respectfully, "Release Early, Release Often" is NOT an excuse to release buggy product. It may mean you might have to ship less per cycle. Even nothing. But whatever you ship should be 100% ready to go. The feedback you get from your customers should NOT include "hey I found this bug..."  



    Guess this guy doen't know what "feedback for improvement" means

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    I recognize this is probably not the proper forum to air these kinds of grievances/opinions, but I do know what it means. Somebody telling you about something you should know already (e.g. "here's this bug") is, I suppose, useful. But relying on your customer base for QA is borderline incompetent business practice. We pay people money where I work to test our software thoroughly before it ever leaves our shop. We ship working product improvements and/or new features every two weeks. The time we have spent fixing bugs that came from customer feedback is not even once in the last 18 months. My first job in the industry was doing software quality testing. I shouldn't have to pay money for the privilege of testing a commercial product. It's not just Squad, so please don't feel like I'm picking on them.

     I will say that I enjoy this game very much and probably have more hours in it than anything else I can think of. I look forward to enjoying it for a long time.

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