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  • KSP Weekly May 14, 2013


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    <h2>May 14th, 2013</h2>
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    <h3>New Team Members</h3>
    <p>I would like to extend our warmest welcome the newest members at Team Squad Artyom "Bac9" Zuev and Miguel Piña. Artyom having shown his prowess with the B9 Aerospace Pack as of May 13th, 2013 is officially a content developer. Leading up Kerbal-Human relations Miguel Piña has taken a formal position on the team.</p>

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    <h3>Developement Updates</h3>
    <img src="http://i.imgur.com/PZNwS1e.jpg" alt="" style="float:right; margin-right: 5px;" />
    <p>I have another awesome sneak peek for you today! I sat down once again with developer Chad "C7" Jenkins to discuss some of the new development coming down the pipeline. This IVA was modeled after the International Space Station's Cupola Module. Claira Lyrae has been hard at work and boy does it show! Check out this very detailed IVA of the module down to the sticky note "B.K." left.</p>
    <img src="http://i.imgur.com/sfbz0ln.jpg" alt="" style="float:right; margin-right: 5px;" />
    <p>Here is another teaser IVA for you. Developer Claira has been flexing her creative muscles and these IVAs look absolutely splendid!</p>

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    <h3>Progress Updates</h3>
    <p>Here is a big recap of my conversation with Chad "C7" Jenkins about progress updates. "Right now we've stopped adding features and we're in the QA phase of testing. So far we've knocked out over 23 major issues. We're going to be moving to the Experimental phase once we've got the major issues completely fixed."</p>

    <p>Traditionally there have never been deadlines given for updates, however, we do know that things are starting to wrap up for the next update. That leaves me very excited and you should be as well!</p>

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    <h3>YouTuber Spotlight</h3>
    <p>I would like to welcome <a href="http://www.youtube.com/user/maceydean">Macey Dean</a> and <a href="http://www.youtube.com/user/suestragaminghd">SuestraGamingHD</a> to the KSP Media Group. Macey and Suestra are exceptional content creators and I am excited to see what kind of work they will bring to the table. I encourage you all to head on over to their channels and check them out. Simply click on their names to be forwarded.</p>

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    <h3>Modding Spotlight</h3>
    <p>There are plenty of awesome mods out there, however, we cannot show them all. This week we feature Romfarer's Lazor System v26 and Innsewerants' ISA Map Sat 3.3.4.</p>
    <li>Romfarer's Lazor System v26. Released late April Romfarer's Lazor System is definitely in the cutting edge of mod technology with remote transfers of Kerbals and resources, lazer guided flight, docking cameras, after burners and more. There is a great deal of utility to be found within this mod.</li>
    <li>Innsewerants' ISA Map Sat 3.3.4. ISA Map Sat is getting a bit dated but is still very useful in .19.1 and will allow you to map planets, moons and more.</li>

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    <h3>Community Spotlight</h3>
    <img src="http://i.imgur.com/he48vkD.png" alt="" style="float:right; margin-right: 5px;" />
    <p>Last week I was given some information about flags and more specifically their dimensions. The community had a field day over this idea and posted a "megathread" about flags and the designs users wanted for their space programs. Forum user MacBernick was among the more creative and took the design "inside" of the box and created a custom shape that uses transparency. </p>
    <p>Not to leave anyone out you can click HERE for the entire thread. At the time of writing there was an astounding 11 pages of flag designs created in just a few short days. Head on over to the thread and see how your design compares with the rest of the community.</p>

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    <h3>KSP Thank Yous</h3>

    Squad, I just have to say thank you for this amazing, fantastic game.

    This is such a good game, I have to force myself to stop playing it so that I can get things done! It has also inspired me to become an Engineer, and my eventual goal is to work at NASA or some other space flight agency, working to bring the things I've done in the game into real life!



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    <b>Brought to you by the KSP Media Group</b><br/>
    Author: <a href="http://www.youtube.com/user/xpdxtv">xPDxTV</a><br/>
    Assisted By: Capt'n Skunky - KSP Community Manager<br/>
    Special Thanks: Chad "C7" Jenkins<br/>

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