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  • KSP Weekly October 8


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    <td class="cms_table_td" colspan="2" align="center"><marquee onmouseover="this.stop(); m_stop=true;" onmouseout="this.start(); m_stop=false;" scrollamount="8" scrolldelay="170" width="800"><b>0.22 Experimentals Start! Release is imminent!</b> || Look at what the devs are up to this week! || A sneak peek at the completed tech tree. || Space Frog Space Program.</marquee><hr /><hr /></td>
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    <td class="cms_table_td"><b>Developer Updates</b><br /><br /><ul>
    <li><b>Felipe (Harvester):</b>We’re now in Experimentals! Huzzah! Not sure how to feel about it though, because on one hand, it does means we’ve made some form of progress, on the other, we now have a categorized list of everything we still have left to do, and it’s getting mighty big. In any case, work continues at a frantic pace to get everything lined up and ready to go.

    This week’s been largely about correcting issues and tweaking the design of the tech tree and the new gameplay aspects. I’ve also fixed a number of other issues which created possible exploits to gain “easy†science. We’re gradually dialing in the way the game lets you earn your science, and it’s been a new and interesting challenge to tackle. I think it’s coming together very nicely though.
    <br />
    <li><b>Rob (N3X15):</b> Debugging issues with the patcher for experimentals. Also working on subpages for Spaceport addons (screenshots, documentation, files, etc).<br />
    <li><b>Jim (Romfarer):</b> I’m doing the usual experimental phase stuff. Polish and fixing bugs.<br />
    <li><b>Chad(C7):</b> I’ve been working hard on testing and polishing up some areas of 0.22. We’ve started experimentals, which is pretty exciting indeed! It’s been a lot of fun to test the game with all the pieces finally coming together. I’ll be back at the bug fixing this week.
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    <li><b>Alex (aLeXmOrA):</b> Still working on the CDN implementation for game file downloads.<br />
    <li><b>Daniel (DanRosas):</b> Tried to use Irradiance Particles instead of Final Gather in the render. Turned out it was a problem, since Kerbals are low poly, and that got in the way of the way light was calculated in the scene. Right now I’m juggling between renders, light setup and polishing animation.<br />
    <li><b>Mike (Mu):</b> I’ve been sick the past week so been enduring and recovering. In other news i’ve been fixing bugs.<br />
    <li><b>Ted (Ted):</b> Find all the bugs! We've hit Experimentals this week with the 0.22 update, so it's been very busy here co-ordinating that and ensuring that the Testers have what they need to be breaking features and finding issues. Also had an interview with the Squadcast Team on Friday for KSP-TV, which I really enjoyed.
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    <li><b>Miguel (Maxmaps):</b> Event planning. DevHR down here in lovely Mexico City on October 18. Afterwards, KSP centric plans with Bob; no we’re still not quite ready to talk to you guys about it.
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    <li><b>Bob (Calisker):</b> Time to get ready for 0.22 update and all that comes with it. Hoping we have some pretty pictures to share with media, as well as details. Also, planning continues for something I’m not ready to talk about in public yet.
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    <td class="cms_table_td"><b>Through The Telescope</b><br /><br />
    Remember Harv / HOC Gaming, the guy from the "That's no Mun base?" series? He's back with a whole new series about space tourism in KSP! This time Harv is taking on the challenge of setting up a comfortable habitat in the Jool system for the tourists to enjoy. Will he succeed? Follow his program on

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    <td class="cms_table_td"><b>YouTube Spotlight</b><br /><br /><iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/lyjQuazcyP0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></td>
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    <td class="cms_table_td"><b>KSP Mod Spotlight</b><br /><br />
    Is space just a bit too quiet for your tastes? Do you feel the need to hear the voices of the crew down at Kerbin or just the booping of your command pod's controls as you navigate the vast nothingness of space? That's where Chatterer comes in. This spiffy little addon will add a variety of ambient noises to your missions.

    The fact that no one can hear you scream shouldn't mean you can't hear yourself screaming. </td>
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    <td class="cms_table_td"><b>Development snapshot of the week</b><br /><br /><!-- here we have our development screenshot of the week! --><a href="http://i.imgur.com/uFvNSwH.png" target="_blank"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/QZlvsKZ.png" /></a></td>
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    <td class="cms_table_td"><b>Editor's Notes</b><br /><br />
    Experimentals are out! Work continues on 0.22, and we're happy to say you won't have to wait much longer to have it in your hands. KSP Weekly will continue as normal, except for an exciting move in the very near future.</td>
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    <td class="cms_table_td" colspan="2"><p align="center"><font size="1"><b>Brought to you by the KSP Media Group</b><br />
    Author / Editor: Maxmaps<br />
    With help from: KasperVld</font></p></td>

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