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Article Comments posted by Xavven

  1. I really agree with the spark adjustments. I do use the spark a lot in my own designs, so it does hurt them a bit. But if I'm being honest, for years this engine has dominated all but the tiniest of 0.625m size probes, and almost all 1.25m size landers and satellites under 10 tons mass. It was the best engine for too wide of a range of spacecraft to be considered balanced. In fact, the slight mass increase won't really dislodge it from most designs in that range anyhow, but changing it too much would upset the game too much now that we're post 1.0 release.

  2. 27 minutes ago, Justicier said:

    I very much hope that there aren't things going on behind the scenes that are causing so many of the Devs to leave. When HarvesteR announced he was leaving it was a definite shock. Given that in every company I have worked for, if someone was pressured to resign or outright fired, the management always outright lied to people who were still with the company, and painted a pretty picture stating that the employee had decided to "move on" to "better things" when the reality was anything but pretty. I know my own experiences jade me somewhat and make me suspicious and I very much hope that my instinct is wrong and that there's not something nefarious going on behind the curtain in the case of Post-1.0 KSP. I love the game that Felipe set out to make, and I very much hope that all the new Devs that come in will share that vision and keep growing the game in the same spirit as the original Devs.

    I don't think so... This is part of regular turnover you see at every company. People have to switch jobs to advance their careers and keep their work lives fresh and exciting. You can only do the same thing for a living for so long until it gets too familiar and doesn't challenge you anymore.

    Plus, look at what we're getting in patch 1.2. The new dev team has taken things in a new direction -- one the community has been asking for for a long time. Sometimes it's good when the old guard gets replaced with a new team with a fresh perspective and vision for the game.

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