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    Curious George
  1. The wobbling you're experiencing isn't normal (at least not before 0.23) and can be fixed by editing the parts files for the landing gears. They're in Kerbal Space Program\GameData\B9_Aerospace\parts\Utility_Landing_Gear_HDG. The files are HDG1A, HDG1AL, HDG1T, HDG1TL, HDG2A, HDG2AL, HDG2T, HDG2TL. They're the only .cfg files. Just open them with notepad or whatever and change this line: sidewaysStiffness = 0.001. I've set it to 0.001 because I was trying to build something really big; at least set it to 0.01 because any higher and you'll probably still have the same problem. And yes, use FAR if at all possible, because what can be accomplished in KSP without it can barely be considered flight. Other than that, everything's fine. If it still doesn't work, you've just got to do it better. Well, unless the wings are off-center because of a different bug. They probably aren't.
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