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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. From the developer videos, there will be a new resource called "reputation". I think that, in order to launch a rocket from Kerbin with a nuclear fueled engine or power source, it should require larger than a certain reputation score in order for the public to "trust" you with fissionable materials. Mods that add more nuclear options like KSP Interstellar would impose similar requirements. Each nuclear fueled launch would "cost" reputation as well, or you should get a very limited allocation of it. This would reflect how in real life, NASA has a heck of a time even getting ahold of decaying Plutonium for their RTGs. NASA can only dream of getting enough HEU for a nuclear thermal rocket. I also think that kerbonauts should have a fame stat that will govern how much money you get for completing a manned mission using a particular kerbonaut. The more missions they complete, the more famous they get. Obviously, Jeb would start out with near maxed fame stat. Getting a kerbonaut killed who is famous would cause a bigger reputation hit than getting someone killed who is a nobody. If you crash a vehicle with nuclear materials onboard into Kerbin, it should result in a gigantic loss of reputation. Crashing into land would be worse than crashing into water. The game would need an "iron kerbal" mode for this new system to actually work. In this mode, you would not be permitted to revert or load a quicksave. Of course, when and if they ever add resources, you would be able to mine other planets for things like fissionable materials, and resources gotten this way would not cost you reputation or money.
  2. I've about had it with wobble on interplanetary vessels that have a lander. I just can't seem to get a wobble free setup. I've tried multiple docking ports, but it's a nightmare to dock. This isn't fun - I don't want to have to spend 30 minutes getting absolutely perfect alignment. I've tried the clamp-o-tron senior - much harder to dock than the regular clamp-o-tron, and it doesn't work that much better. Still crazy amounts of wobble. At this point, I'm willing to try the most cheaty modded part available. I don't care, I just want the two vessels welded together as if they were made in the VAB that way. This is completely realistic, real rocket scientists would design a solution for this if the need came up. Wobble is in no way required by engineering or physics - and it's undamped wobble, or at least poorly damped, which is unrealistic. Real docking ports have dampers in them to soak up relative motion.
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