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Everything posted by Yemo

  1. I dont understand how to use those parachutes. I use FAR and my mk1 command pod keeps crashing. I have the basic cone as the main chute. I attached 2 drogue chutes to the side. When I predeploy at about 30k (preset value), I cant deploy because it burns the drogues and then i m too fast for the main. If I deploy at 50k the chutes burn a lot but sometimes I get lucky, g force is massive though. I cant even get the command pot to land savely... edit: Ok, found a way. Doubt that it is working as intended and the g force in a 2 chute system is still very high, but it works.
  2. That looks huge, as in too big. The first thing I learnt was, that mastering the controls is key. For flight, for EVA, for landing/docking. First the camera orientation is essential. Then training is necessary to not press S when you want to press ctrl. I put a very small craft in stable orbit and trained with EVA... The second thing I learnt was, that payload, fuel and thrust balance is necessary. If the last stage has more much more fuel than necessary, the whole fuel/thrust balance needs reevaluation. Delta v is not almighty, only helpful (get the Kerbal engineer mod to display the crucial values).
  3. Thank you a lot for this mod! It saved my a tremendous amount of time and effort.
  4. I hit the space bar not only when I want to get to the next stage, which always results in a tradgedy. I hope I either get this under control before an economy (reputation for mia kerbals?) is introduced... Maybe I should just remap it.
  5. Hello, thank you for the great mod! However I find it very unrealistic that I need 6 Kerbals to control a remote craft. Can you tell me how I can alter that to 1 Kerbal? It would be great for realism/roleplaying. After all a contemporary drone can be flown from one person as well. Especially for the first steps in space I would like to be able to send eg 1 kerbal to orbit the mun while I send an unmanned probe to explore the surface away from kerbin without spamming satellites. I would only be able to stear the probe while the orbiter has LOS, and only be able to transmit the science if the probe has a link with the Orbiter and the Orbiter has a link to Kerbal. But that would make the fun! I understand that such a remote control station could then be used for multiple craft, which might become unrealistic at some point. But after all, I switch between crafts as a player and can only command one at a time, house rules are always part of roleplaying. Thank you very much.
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