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  1. Problem I made this thread to tell people about my mod: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/85388-0-24-Pre-Flight-Checklist-v0-1 The Thesonicgalaxy appears to be the person that started the thread, however I did. Only comments appear, not the Showcase post Link to mod: http://www.curse.com/ksp-mods/kerbal/222146-pre-flight-checklist Events I updated my mod so I wanted to update the Original Post, I hit save changes and then the post disappeared. Help! If anyone has a potential solution please help, it would be greatly appreciated Ask anything if you need to
  2. Hi, thanks for being so nice, that was my first mod and post. I think I will update it and add more functionality to it once 0.24 comes around.
  3. Pre-Flight Checklist Can be opend via blizzy78's toolbar plugin, it reminds you to add key parts or functions to your build. It accomplishes this by allowing you to check boxes off after you add the part or function on. Installing is simple, put the 000_Toolbar and PreFlightChecklist folder in you GameData folder of your KSP install (note: if you already have the 000_Toolbar, you don't have copy it over) Download From Curse Source The source includes the code and the license (WTFPL) If you experience any issues, or want to suggest something to add, or want to comment, feel free to PM me or post below Planed Features: Customizable list Info stays with craft upon saving Window saves position Version History: v0.1: Supports blizzy78 toolbar plugin Fixed the spelling of Staging Separated source from Plugin v0.0: Released ---------------------------------------------------------------------Read!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It will probably be a while before this will no longer work The WTFPL license essentially states, do what you want, if you are releasing something with this code in it, you must change your projects name I would be cool if someone updated it but... whatever I don't care if you do or not. I am not going to update this because I want to make a game and do other things. Also I am really bad at this stuff.
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