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Everything posted by lk1990

  1. Interesting. I am using both the latest SCANsat (dev build) and Tarsier Space Tech mods and except for the problem with the galaxies not showing everything works just fine. SCANsat anmations are working for me.
  2. I am having the same problem. tobyb121 told me it might be mod related, but i yet have to provide him a a list of the mods i have installed (there are quite a lot).
  3. Hello tobyb121, it is a great mod and i would like help you improve it. I am having exactely the same problem as Mauzdar: when i click on the show galaxies button, only a cross appears at the exact same location as in Mauzdars screenshot. http://i.imgur.com/U2psMkh.png I am currently using Tarsier Space Tech 4.5b, but the problem already has existed since galaxies were first added in 4.5a. I am using KSP 0.24.2 and all mods listed at least as compatible with Realism Overhaul in RO thread: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/84689. I am NOT using the actual Realism Overhaul mod. Additionally i am using parts of the EVE 7-4 mod. Regarding logs, i would like to provide you some, but i do not know what logs you need and where to find them. If you tell me that i ll get you the logs ASAP.
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