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Article Comments posted by Columbia

  1. To be honest, I don't view it as a privilege. It's just bug hunting done publicly. I can live with 1.0.5 for a few more weeks if it means getting "cold, nice beer."

    It still doesn't mean that those who did want to try it out and were from the KSP store were treated slightly unfairly. Just saying -- I totally understand Squad's inability to provide for the KSP Store.

  2. I was mildly disappointed by the unavailability of it at the KSP Store, but hey, what can I say? I don't think I would even be able to report bugs decently to Squad, which is much of the purpose of the whole thing. I won't give them crap for it, I doubt there's anything they can do to the KSP Store to let everyone get their hands on it. 

    Best of luck to the Steam people!

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