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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. To be fair, i didn't really use chutes for reentry before but I hadn't been of past minmus yet. I found a shallow entry angle and a bit of wobbling around did the trick (my rockets had surfaces for this purpose as I could never find a use for heat shields unless I was willing to discard most of my ship), Is this approach still viable? I'm glad to hear about mining as I am about to move into that in career (excited!) and the lv-n does sound like an improvement. I didn't only build planes but planes were like my little toys that I would use to explore. Rockets were more for when I had hours to kill on a well thought out but very rewarding mission. So in regards to planes specifically, how is the handling on say quick turns etc? I loved that in 1.0 Also how do rockets handle now as I did struggle with balance a bit before when turning (I had not gotten Used to it yet since 0.9), which can be a real pain when on no reverts.
  2. So, I went on a trip to visit family over the long weekend, won't be back and able to play ksp till tomorrow, but just read a bit of the forums and all I can say is I am shell shocked... What has happened? I was worried that given some people's reactions to 1.0 we would have a knee-jerk reaction from the devs, and reading this forum that seems to be the way. I personally loved 1.0 and was really happy with it, having found it quite simple to build anything from planes to SSTO's without having the feeling off it being too easy, and I was really looking forward to continuing my career mode when I got back... So another question I guess is how will it affect that? Will my craft be broken? Will planes fly as silky smooth as they seemed to in 1.0? I don't get why squad would make this addition, they had experimentals and QA for a reason and imo that showed in a well balanced game in 1.0... Bug fixes I expected but not this. P.s. I know I could reset the physics to 1.0 if I edited the cfg file, but It's besides the point really, I run stock, never really enjoyed mods or editing files, just my personal choice
  3. It sort of reminds me of birthdays... you expect gifts for them despite the fact that you probably haven't done anything to deserve it... People feel "entitled" (yep I used it), and then stop seeing that there is more to the world than the SOI around their ego.
  4. So, first of all I am not sure this belongs in this forum, but I thought it did, so if not please could a mod move it. I wanted to share with all of you the story of Jeb and Val in my 1.0 playthrough thus far. First in my stubborn way, Jeb was the only pilot for me, and as such he was in all the first missions, until he got stuck in LKO... then I decided to give val a chance, she got to the mun, planted a flag, and came back… all fine but not quite as much flair as I saw in Jeb. Eventually we rescued Jeb and he was sent on a mission to set up a base on minmus, and he once again got stuck in orbit, this time around minmus. Now bare in mind I have never managed to dock ships before… well Val took the spare minmus rocket to go save Jeb, and after about 4 hours she got to a decent rendezvous… bearing in mind I haven’t unlocked maneuvers or anything so it is quite an achievement for me. Then there was the tentative docking… with only a mainsail and no RCS. I overlooked that, but nevertheless Val managed to do it, delivering the fuel needed to Jeb to land the Minmus base. Now they are never separated on any mission, and so far nothing else has gone drastically wrong. Now on to the game-play comment… since 1.0 came out I have found that I enjoy the game more as an actual game, rather than a fun simulation. I can’t help but treat it more as having some sort of narrative and objective for some reason, purposefully put in or not, and I can’t bring myself to restart missions. Before, when Jeb got stranded, I would have just reverted, but having a full released game makes me want to actually play it properly, so in short this is what Val and Jeb have done for me in 1.0, they have given me a story and they have given me a reason not to just give up and revert constantly. p.s. Great job Squad on 1.0, thoroughly enjoying it so far, despite what I have seen here I would say that bug wise it isn't bad, balancing wise so far so good for me, a bit more difficult than previous releases but I enjoy that, and most importantly I enjoy that you have done exactly what you said you would in terms of realism of aerodynamics etc, not too real not too fake, for the perfect balance of fun!
  5. Wasn't there a whole uproar just before release about mining and how it would make the game too easy? So, it seems like squad have the impossible task on their hand of people being outraged by both a challenge and a perceived lack of challenge simultaniously! There's no winning really
  6. I don't know why anyone has a problem with the new SSTO's... Sure they are less fuel efficient than before but it is still fairly simple to make them (bearing in mind my first 0.9 SSTO was a week before 1.0), but on career I have just unlocked mk2 parts and made an SSTO that reaches 150k orbit and back fine, and I am not a good pilot yet in this version, so it should be easier with better parts right? I was also constrained by the 30part limit so I couldn't take as much fuel as I would like. I think SSTO's are still perfect for getting small satellites into orbit, and maybe with some refueling they can be more.
  7. Thanks! Switching as I lower landing gear works perfect for now, and hopefully the rolling onto it will work perfect in 1.0. I did consider using docking ports but I thought with the new Aero coming out it wouldn't be great having a port on the bottom of each plane. And thank you for the Imgur information.
  8. I decided to try make a platform for refueling... ended up breaking the world for a few moments. Volatile stuff .
  9. Hi, Not sure if this is the right place so let me know if I am wrong... Anyway in preparation for resource gathering I thought I would try make a platform that my Space planes could dock on, and to test it I made a simple contraption. However when I actually dock with it, it falls through the floor, and then if I go to the space center and go back to it, it reappears out of the floor, projected upwards and destroying the probe cores, then seems fine but without the cores I can't control it. Any ideas how to redo the design ready for 1.0? http://imgur.com/a/ipfXd P.s. I don't know how to link to imgur so it shows up on here, any help? Thanks for any help!
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