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Everything posted by Timk

  1. I just had a surprise explosion of my ship while warping in map mode and thought it was a bug or a random act of violence brought on by warping. But now I'm thinking I may have run into some debris.
  2. Right on brother! Hours trying to get back from Duna wasted upon re-entry. Known problems should be fixed. Get rid of temp gauges until it is fixed.
  3. I have had 2-3 major crashes after many hours of getting to Duna and back and then at the end of re-entry I get the dreaded "KSP.exe has stopped" or something like that. I guess the temperature gauge thing is causing this. If it is this well known, why no fix, other than having to remember to disable temperature gauges (F10)?
  4. You don't have to do all the steps at once, so you can go back and orbit the Mun to complete the contract. You probably needed to do the orbit before landing.
  5. I just did several 10 minute burns with no problem -- about half of the thermal bar was lit.
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