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Everything posted by rambokai

  1. Yes. I think this problem was ultimately caused by having the wrong MM version (CKAN was incorrectly reporting which version I had)... that I resolved while trying to fix some Near Future mod problems. I still have the text edited out - and it seems to work just fine. Thanks for the help!
  2. This indeed appears to be the case, but deleting the MM cache file did not fix it. Any other ideas? Should I just manually edit the configs? EDIT: Manually changing the configs fixes the problem I am having. is it safe to leave the MM script behind?
  3. Thanks very much! I will investigate this later today. A bit more testing - trying to load and launch one of these Ships indicates that they have components that I have not researched... this sounds very much like it might be the issue!
  4. 2.6.25 Everything is up to date according to CKAN... I could try manually installing... or uninstalling and redownloading?
  5. Both to the first question, but I think I initially meant in the VAB. Let me check on your 2nd question... 1 moment. EDIT: They do not show up in a sandbox game either. Interestingly enough - when I check the technology and research center, I can see the modules listed under the appropriate technologies that are unlocked.
  6. Hi Merkov, Thanks for the quick reply! Yes I am playing in career mode. But I have all technology nodes unlocked. Would you like me to go and check and make sure that one of them is unlocking the modules? Hmmm.... Let me go do this. I did not know what the locked tag meant - however it does let me load craft that have the modules on them - which seems a bit odd if I am not allowed to use them? I have not, that I know of, I have returned to the game after about a year and I am trying to iron out some errors I am getting before playing too much. The other US parts appear to work fine.. from memory... the empty science bay is there, as are the water tanks and such. As well as all the non-wedge based dmagic parts (some of which appear to be new since last I played).
  7. Hi guys, I am not sure if this is best asked here or in the Universal Storage thread, I am having problems with the US Science parts (the wedge based science dmagic science parts).... they seem to load correctly in existing sub assemblies and ships (although are possibly flagged as locked - not sure what this means) - but they do not appear in the part list in the Vehicle Assembly building. Are these not supported anymore? a bug? Thanks!
  8. What do you mean by rungs for EVA data retrieval? Ladder rungs? It looks quite nice. I do rather like *white* paint. But this is nice too - cool detailing on the textures. Is that shroud attached to the ACD? OOPS! Edit: Your second post makes it much more clear!!! Disregard I would very much appreciate the ability to open the doors separately, I always found it odd that the service bays opened both sides at once.
  9. Gotcha. Will certainly be useful. What makes you think it will be OP? If the weight is the same as equivalent modules - perhaps it takes up less physical space. Is that a problem? (Often times I think my rockets look excessively large and bulky, Id generally prefer much more streamlined-multifunction parts. This is one of the reasons I love US so much for making science modules. Gone are the days trying to slap science jr's to a 3m rocket with struts everywhere... Have you thought much about a data storage wedge? is it too OP? I could have certainly used one last night while transferring data off my Recon probe (the 350,000 credit one I mentioned above...) - I ended up having to make 3 trips to my science station and back - leaving a poor kerbal orbiting in his EVA suit because he couldn't board the capsule with the duplicate readings. In a case like that - it seems reasonable, but if you are using it in a lander and collecting *all the science* from a single landing by bringing along a stack full of data storage - maybe that is not appropriate. That said, my issue could have been solved by a better/different design. I ended up leaving docking ports off of my probe - which prevented it from docking and dumping the reports directly into the lab. I think I am going to install KAS tonight, relaunch a new probe with empty US-cores and move the wedges in orbit during EVA. The new design will swap out the Sentinel telescope on its nose for a pair of docking ports so I can make a modular science pod that can be adjusted as needed (and even removed from the probe)
  10. Try turning off the angle snap function. You should immediately notice that they sit flat on the sides If that doesn't work - I believe holding alt is the ticket?
  11. Very cool. Should it be at the top or the bottom of the stack? Im starting to find (in career mode) that large stacks of science modules can be REALLY expensive (the last probe I launched had 350,000 of science modules on it... and is currently flying back to LKO from Eve) I tried to design it to be reusable (given the cost), currently it can fly back and forth to my space station (no docking ports sadly...) or to a rendevous with a Scientist kerbal in EVA to reset its un-resetable experiments and offload all its data. I am thinking myself (and others) might want to build a capsule who's heat shield is mounted below some of their US modules, so that the modules themselves can be saved from fiery destruction and recouple some of the costs mentioned above. But maybe this is hyper unrealistic? Would it be possible to make the de-coupler toggle at launch to avoid staging accidents in this situation (if it is intended to be used as a cap to the US2 stack)? I think others have mentioned this before, but I would also love to see a data storage module...
  12. Wow. That all sounds amazing. What is the ACD module? is that the shroud base? New heat shields would be awesome. I've had several ship designs where the heat shield is directly at against the top of the US stack and it looks really goofy. Others have had issues with playing RCS points mid stack.. or making ladders long enough - it sounds like these will be mitigated. Thanks guys!
  13. Hi there, just signed up to follow this thread as it is one of my favorite mods These new pictures look great. I do like the foil, but I also like how it normally looks with all the warning labels and techy bits. Could you kindly direct me to the post detailing some of the new features you are working on? I am read back several pages and I wasn't able to find them? As for new features that I would be excited to see: Batteries! (I understand these are coming! yay!) Ladders, or... somewhere to attach them to. I saw another person post about flat panels with exterior attachment points - these would be awesome. As would some sort of capping module with hand holds that ring around the ship and/or provide a place to place things. Flat attachment modules would also less you install RCS thrusters amongst your service equipment which would work in place of having a RCS module for US! Another request would be - and ill preface with asking how complicated it would be? - an option, perhaps using the fuel switch mod - to change the look of the modules? I like the black and white stripes, but having the option for all black modules or all white/different designs would be really cool for those of us that end up stacking 3 or 4 or 5 nodes in series. Thanks, and keep up the great work!
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