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Everything posted by DGShannon

  1. Just a quick note to say THANK YOU for Basic Delta V and Basic Orbit. Super functional tools specific to the task. Just for grins, I toyed with Kerbal Engineer Redux and MechJeb again, after months of your tools, only uninstall them and go right back to yours! Please keep up the great work and know that you have a user base that appreciates your efforts!
  2. The flared adapter is so critical to the visual appeal of the Gemini spacecraft, I find it very odd that Orionkermin chose the "non-standard but popular 1.875m size" for it to adapt to. None of the many mods I use have this size. What is the most popular, recommended, etc. mod out there with parts this size to mate to? Looking at the adapter, the concave design at the top, plus its description, suggest that it should mate straight onto the Corvus heatshield. If the adapter, instead of being a hollow shell, had the equivalent Corvus supply tank and O20 Orbital Attitude System built in, it would be an absolutely perfect setup, as well as visually correct for the Gemini design. The non-flared tank and engine, as well as Corvus decoupler, wouldn't even be needed as the adapter has it built in. Micha - Any thoughts on modifying Orionkermin's design?
  3. Added to game today and have really been enjoying the mod functionally and visually. Thanks! Question on the " adapter featuring storage space"? Looking up through the bottom of the adapter, there is a lot of space, but missing out on how you are supposed to store anything in it. Doesn't have internal attachment points. What am I missing?
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