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Posts posted by blackhuey

  1. I personally find scripting a lot of fun, far more fun than manually piloting - particularly orbital ascents, which get tiresome real fast especially when you're building stations etc.

    My grand hope is that the multiplayer feature will remove the control bubble limitation and allow more than one inflight craft to be under active control via scripts at the same time. It's the only way to do reusable launchers a la Falcon 9, and if you can manually fly a suicide burn you're a better pilot than me.

    If scripting isn't in the base game, I'll be holding out for kOS2. But it would be a great addition in the base game.

  2. So that's 0.1. Testing is going well on my career save, it's very useful for resupply missions (I'm using USI LS) in the Kerbin/Mun/Minmus SOI and having 10x seats in the back is brilliant for tourist contracts.

    My current list of improvements is:


    * Integrated comms and MechJeb in the cockpit, maybe thermometer as well

    * Implement hatch on the fuselage

    * Standard RCS kit with mountpoints for docking ops

    * Separate fuselage tail fins into animated aero kit

    * FlagDecals


    * Build alternative fuselage with zero passenger seats but operating ramp for cargo

    * 3rd alternative "skycrane" fuselage for bulky cargoes

    * Overall texture improvements

    * FFAR pods (special request from my son)

    * chin mounted flamethrower (my son again, so proud)

  3. RD, I hit a problem last night with USI LS. I have a small Mun base consisting of a Koala, an emergency shelter and a comms module, with a small Supplies tank (with several small supply paks attached to it), crewed by 1 orange suit and 1 white suit. I had resupplied it with approx 200d of Supplies.

    On approach to the base with more parts, once I was in physics range, I got the message about crew going on strike. Imagine my surprise to see all of the supplies gone and the white suit sulking. I have other bases with similar supply levels, and they were fine, this one just blipped to zero.

    Being undeterred by space shenanigans, I landed and bolted a full supply pak to the side of the supply tank. Imagine my further surprise at seeing a message about my white suit nomming the supplies, and then finding the entire new supply pak immediately empty.

    It may be relevant to note that the Mun base is completely out of power?

    Anyways, any ideas? I'd like to keep using LS but if they are going to keep mainlining noms like it's thanksgiving, they are gonna have a bad time.

  4. Thank you everyone.

    I hate to rain on your parade, but you have created a derivative work from their original. Releasing a derivative work without express consent of the copyright holder is not "respecting their copyright". I don't think this can be considered a parody in any sense so that type of fair use will not apply.

    I appreciate your comment and parody is a very grey area. That is, however, absolutely the intent. I respect your opinion that the Valkerbie doesn't qualify as parody, but I disagree.

  5. At some point I will distribute my Valkerbie model to the KSP community and I understand I need to release it under a license. CC-BY-NC-SA seems the best fit.

    However as the Valkerbie is a representation of a model design owned by Games Workshop PLC, who are notoriously protective of their copyrights, I thought I had better include something to show I'm respecting those.

    I've included the following modifications to the license, do you think these are fair enough? Not a lawyer, but here goes:



    14. Non Standard License Provisions

    This license is further limited by the following non standard provisions.

    14A Parody

    This product is intended as a non commercial fair use parody of designs that are the property of Games Workshop PLC. No copyright or trademark infringement is intended.

    14B Other Use of 3D Models

    You may not create, or facilitate the creation of, a physical copy of any 3D models provided in this product through the use of 3D printing or any other process.

    You may not convert 3D models provided in this product to any other format, including but not limited to STL.

    You may not use the 3D models provided in this product for any reason other than in connection with playing Kerbal Space Program.

    You may not upload the 3D models provided in this product to a 3D model library.

    14C Derivative Licenses

    Derivatives of this product must include the Non Standard License Provisions above in their license.


  6. So after hours relearning UVW unwrapping and texturing, I've got v1 of the cockpit texture done.


    Then it was on to learning ladders and hatches. omg. Got it working though.

    Weird bug of the day: There are 2 cockpit seats in the SPH, Jeb and Bob are seated in it. In flight I can access both Jeb's and Bob's inventories, so it's recognising they are in the cockpit. However I only get one portrait! Jeb can EVA and re-board, but I can never EVA/IVA the back seater, as their portrait doesn't show. Any ideas?

  7. Many of you I assume were waiting for me to realise that a single-piece ship wasn't really going to work given all the different modules it would need etc. So I've broken it up into:

    - Cockpit

    - Fuselage

    - Wings (left and right as they are asymmetric)

    - Main Engine

    - VTOL engine

    - Main landing gear

    - Nose landing gear

    early testflight prior to main engine development


    She weighs just over 13T wet and hovers on VTOL at just over 50% throttle, which should give her a power margin for hauling cargo. I don't want it to be a super ship that can effortlessly haul stations into orbit, but if it can haul say 10T of smaller parts, I'll be happy. Tuning the engines for that. I just have a UVW grid texture on the parts for now - I am the worst at it and I'm putting it off.

    KIS containers


    CoG/thrust/lift vector problem


    Clearly Games Workshop doesn't have to worry about physics, because the thrust vector is way off where I expect the CoG would be. I tweaked a couple of things including moving a lot of mass into the engines and angling the thrustTransform 10' down to point it through the CoG. It flies much nicer now. I still need to fix the wing CoL and bring it forward. It's centred on the mesh, but the CoL is too far aft.

    She doesn't rocket into orbit, but she's orbit-capable. A lot of drag and no control surfaces (yet) on the stock airframe give it a characterful dead-man's curve at somewhere over 30m/s in the lower atmo.

    so happy


    Really enjoying the process of building this.

  8. I have had problems in the past with corrupted savegame files, especially when using (and building) mods, so I now control my savegame files with git.

    This creates a .git folder in the saves folder, which is picked up by the game as an "incompatible/invalid save". It's no problem as I simply choose "delete", KSP is unable to delete it, and I can play as normal.

    The only problem comes if I choose ignore instead of delete, which locks up the client necessitating a restart.

    I would think it would be a simple change to have the client ignore dot folders when looking for savegames. Thanks

  9. First mod, it had to be my favourite 40K ship.

    Thanks to anyone who's ever posted a howto or edited the dev wiki or built a mod tool: I've probably read/watched/used it over the past few days.

    Next steps: tidy up the mesh a bit, add engines and landing gear, a basic texture and get down and dirty with the .cfg. A bit worried about how to implement VTOL. Cross that when I come to it.

    If this goes well I might do some more 40K inspired stuff.




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