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Mike Mars

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Everything posted by Mike Mars

  1. Thank you JandCand0 for all your efforts. They are greatly appreciated. This mod is amazing. MM
  2. 12/27/14 I was snowed in and decided to give myself a belated Christmas present. I often came to the forums looking for advice. Seems every problem I ran into, someone had encountered before, so I almost always found the answer here.
  3. Wow!!! Thank you so much. I run 49 mods and the downtime sucks when there is an update. Thanks for the quick response. MM
  4. Is this possible even if you run off of Steam?
  5. JandCando, Let me start off by thanking you from the bottom of my heart for this amazing mod. Impossible Innovations has allowed me to enjoy hundreds of hours of pleasure. I have used your fusion engines, and other parts, on rockets, SSTO's, landers and an orbital construction bot. I was wondering, hoping, praying, that once Squad releases the next update of KSP, which seems imminent, you will update Impossible Innovations. I realize that a great deal of unpaid time and effort on your part will be required, but I wanted you to know that I am one of what I am sure is a large fanbase, who will be grateful beyond belief. Hope the answer is yes. MM
  6. I loved that show as a teenager. I had a thing for Lt. Gay Ellis played by british actress Gabrielle Drake. She went on to do a couple of porn films after UFO. Loved those purple wigs and those short silver skirts.
  7. Sadly, I can beat that. 940 hours played 398 days since purchase 2.36 hours per day. Oh my To make it worse, the above includes a couple of months off when I couldn't play because upgrades broke my mods. Good grief.
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