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Everything posted by HaArLiNsH

  1. @Ger_space: Humm I think I found the REAL problem... I changed the name of the module (like everything to help differentiate from TR) @Avera9eJoe : I have a solution that works with TRR v0.4 and that will help you maintain your mod ! 1 : make a new folder called WindowShine in Gamedata/ and put your Default/ folder (with all your texture files) and your cfg file in it. 2 : change your cfg file with this : add : TextureReplacerReplaced { Folders { Default = WindowShine/Default/ } } And change all the "TRReflection" to "TRR_Reflection" This should give you this : //Config for WindowShine-v13.2 - solarPanels5 improvement TextureReplacerReplaced { Folders { Default = WindowShine/Default/ } } @PART[LgRadialSolarPanel]:HAS[!MODULE[TRR_Reflection]]:NEEDS[TextureReplacerReplaced] { %MODULE[TRR_Reflection] { %name = TRR_Reflection %shader = ShaderNG/TR_Reflective_Emissive_Alpha %colour = 0.5 0.5 0.5 %interval = 8 %meshes = panel_000 panel_001 panel_002 } } @PART[solarPanels1]:HAS[!MODULE[TRR_Reflection]]:NEEDS[TextureReplacerReplaced] { %MODULE[TRR_Reflection] { %name = TRR_Reflection %shader = ShaderNG/TR_Reflective_Emissive_Alpha %colour = 0.5 0.5 0.5 %interval = 8 %meshes = basepanel panel1 panel2 panel3 panel4 panel5 } } @PART[solarPanels2]:HAS[!MODULE[TRR_Reflection]]:NEEDS[TextureReplacerReplaced] { %MODULE[TRR_Reflection] { %name = TRR_Reflection %shader = ShaderNG/TR_Reflective_Emissive_Alpha %colour = 0.5 0.5 0.5 %interval = 8 %meshes = panel3 panel04 panel05 panel06 panel07 panel08 } } @PART[solarPanels3]:HAS[!MODULE[TRR_Reflection]]:NEEDS[TextureReplacerReplaced] { %MODULE[TRR_Reflection] { %name = TRR_Reflection %shader = ShaderNG/TR_Reflective_Emissive_Alpha %colour = 0.5 0.5 0.5 %interval = 8 %meshes = basepanel panel1 panel2 panel3 panel4 panel5 } } @PART[solarPanels4]:HAS[!MODULE[TRR_Reflection]]:NEEDS[TextureReplacerReplaced] { %MODULE[TRR_Reflection] { %name = TRR_Reflection %shader = ShaderNG/TR_Reflective_Emissive_Alpha %colour = 0.5 0.5 0.5 %interval = 8 %meshes = solarPanel4panels panel2 panel3 panel4 pane5 panel6 } } @PART[solarPanels5]:HAS[!MODULE[TRR_Reflection]]:NEEDS[TextureReplacerReplaced] { %MODULE[TRR_Reflection] { %name = TRR_Reflection %shader = ShaderNG/TR_Reflective_Emissive_Alpha %colour = 0.5 0.5 0.5 %interval = 8 %meshes = panel } } @PART[largeSolarPanel]:HAS[!MODULE[TRR_Reflection]]:NEEDS[TextureReplacerReplaced] { %MODULE[TRR_Reflection] { %name = TRR_Reflection %shader = ShaderNG/TR_Reflective_Emissive_Alpha %colour = 0.5 0.5 0.5 %interval = 8 %meshes = panel } } @PART[cupola]:HAS[!MODULE[TRR_Reflection]]:NEEDS[TextureReplacerReplaced] { %MODULE[TRR_Reflection] { %name = TRR_Reflection %shader = ShaderNG/TR_Reflective_Emissive_Alpha %colour = 0.5 0.5 0.5 %interval = 4 %meshes = obj_base } } @PART[crewCabin]:HAS[!MODULE[TRR_Reflection]]:NEEDS[TextureReplacerReplaced] { %MODULE[TRR_Reflection] { %name = TRR_Reflection %shader = ShaderNG/TR_Reflective_Emissive_Alpha %colour = 0.3 0.3 0.3 %interval = 4 %meshes = cabin } } @PART[Mark1-2Pod]:HAS[!MODULE[TRR_Reflection]]:NEEDS[TextureReplacerReplaced] { %MODULE[TRR_Reflection] { %name = TRR_Reflection %shader = ShaderNG/TR_Reflective_Emissive_Alpha %colour = 0.5 0.5 0.5 %interval = 4 %meshes = SideWindow FrontWindow } } @PART[Mark1Cockpit]:HAS[!MODULE[TRR_Reflection]]:NEEDS[TextureReplacerReplaced] { %MODULE[TRR_Reflection] { %name = TRR_Reflection %shader = ShaderNG/TR_Reflective_Emissive_Alpha %colour = 0.5 0.5 0.5 %interval = 4 %meshes = Cockpit } } @PART[MK1CrewCabin]:HAS[!MODULE[TRR_Reflection]]:NEEDS[TextureReplacerReplaced] { %MODULE[TRR_Reflection] { %name = TRR_Reflection %shader = ShaderNG/TR_Reflective_Emissive_Alpha %colour = 0.5 0.5 0.5 %interval = 4 %meshes = } } @PART[Mark2Cockpit]:HAS[!MODULE[TRR_Reflection]]:NEEDS[TextureReplacerReplaced] { %MODULE[TRR_Reflection] { %name = TRR_Reflection %shader = ShaderNG/TR_Reflective_Emissive_Alpha %colour = 0.5 0.5 0.5 %interval = 4 %meshes = Cockpit } } @PART[landerCabinSmall]:HAS[!MODULE[TRR_Reflection]]:NEEDS[TextureReplacerReplaced] { %MODULE[TRR_Reflection] { %name = TRR_Reflection %shader = ShaderNG/TR_Reflective_Emissive_Alpha %colour = 0.5 0.5 0.5 %interval = 4 %meshes = obj_base } } @PART[mk1pod]:HAS[!MODULE[TRR_Reflection]]:NEEDS[TextureReplacerReplaced] { %MODULE[TRR_Reflection] { %name = TRR_Reflection %shader = ShaderNG/TR_Reflective_Emissive_Alpha %colour = 0.5 0.5 0.5 %interval = 4 %meshes = window } } @PART[mk2Cockpit_Inline]:HAS[!MODULE[TRR_Reflection]]:NEEDS[TextureReplacerReplaced] { %MODULE[TRR_Reflection] { %name = TRR_Reflection %shader = ShaderNG/TR_Reflective_Emissive_Alpha %colour = 0.5 0.5 0.5 %interval = 4 %meshes = Cockpit_inline } } @PART[mk2Cockpit_Standard]:HAS[!MODULE[TRR_Reflection]]:NEEDS[TextureReplacerReplaced] { %MODULE[TRR_Reflection] { %name = TRR_Reflection %shader = ShaderNG/TR_Reflective_Emissive_Alpha %colour = 0.5 0.5 0.5 %interval = 4 %meshes = COCKPIT } } @PART[mk2LanderCabin]:HAS[!MODULE[TRR_Reflection]]:NEEDS[TextureReplacerReplaced] { %MODULE[TRR_Reflection] { %name = TRR_Reflection %shader = ShaderNG/TR_Reflective_Emissive_Alpha %colour = 0.5 0.5 0.5 %interval = 4 %meshes = cabin } } @PART[mk3Cockpit_Shuttle]:HAS[!MODULE[TRR_Reflection]]:NEEDS[TextureReplacerReplaced] { %MODULE[TRR_Reflection] { %name = TRR_Reflection %shader = ShaderNG/TR_Reflective_Emissive_Alpha %colour = 0.5 0.5 0.5 %interval = 4 %meshes = cockpit } } @PART[mk2CrewCabin]:HAS[!MODULE[TRR_Reflection]]:NEEDS[TextureReplacerReplaced] { %MODULE[TRR_Reflection] { %name = TRR_Reflection %shader = ShaderNG/TR_Reflective_Emissive_Alpha %colour = 0.5 0.5 0.5 %interval = 4 %meshes = Mk2CrewCabin } } @PART[mk3CrewCabin]:HAS[!MODULE[TRR_Reflection]]:NEEDS[TextureReplacerReplaced] { %MODULE[TRR_Reflection] { %name = TRR_Reflection %shader = ShaderNG/TR_Reflective_Emissive_Alpha %colour = 0.5 0.5 0.5 %interval = 4 %meshes = CREW } } @PART[Large_Crewed_Lab]:HAS[!MODULE[TRR_Reflection]]:NEEDS[TextureReplacerReplaced] { %MODULE[TRR_Reflection] { %name = TRR_Reflection %shader = ShaderNG/TR_Reflective_Emissive_Alpha %colour = 0.5 0.5 0.5 %interval = 4 %meshes = Lab } } @PART[toroidalFuelTank]:HAS[!MODULE[TRR_Reflection]]:NEEDS[TextureReplacerReplaced] { %MODULE { %name = TRR_Reflection %shader = ShaderNG/TR_Reflective_Emissive_Alpha %colour = 0.4 0.4 0.4 %interval = 8 %meshes = } } @PART[liquidEngine1-2]:HAS[!MODULE[TRR_Reflection]]:NEEDS[TextureReplacerReplaced] { %MODULE[TRR_Reflection] { %name = TRR_Reflection %shader = ShaderNG/TR_Reflective_Emissive_Alpha %colour = 0.3 0.3 0.3 %interval = 8 %meshes = } } @PART[xenonTank]:HAS[!MODULE[TRR_Reflection]]:NEEDS[TextureReplacerReplaced] { %MODULE { %name = TRR_Reflection %shader = ShaderNG/TR_Reflective_Emissive_Alpha %colour = 0.4 0.4 0.4 %interval = 8 %meshes = } } //@PART[dockingPortLateral]:HAS[!MODULE[TRR_Reflection]]:NEEDS[TextureReplacerReplaced] { %MODULE { %name = TRR_Reflection %shader = ShaderNG/TR_Reflective_Emissive_Alpha %colour = 0.5 0.5 0.5 %interval = 8 %meshes = port } } //@PART[dockingPort1]:HAS[!MODULE[TRR_Reflection]]:NEEDS[TextureReplacerReplaced] { %MODULE { %name = TRR_Reflection %shader = ShaderNG/TR_Reflective_Emissive_Alpha %colour = 0.5 0.5 0.5 %interval = 8 %meshes = base } } //@PART[dockingPort2]:HAS[!MODULE[TRR_Reflection]]:NEEDS[TextureReplacerReplaced] { %MODULE { %name = TRR_Reflection %shader = ShaderNG/TR_Reflective_Emissive_Alpha %colour = 0.5 0.5 0.5 %interval = 8 %meshes = port } } //@PART[dockingPortLarge]:HAS[!MODULE[TRR_Reflection]]:NEEDS[TextureReplacerReplaced] { %MODULE { %name = TRR_Reflection %shader = ShaderNG/TR_Reflective_Emissive_Alpha %colour = 0.5 0.5 0.5 %interval = 8 %meshes = large } } //@PART[landingLeg1]:HAS[!MODULE[TRR_Reflection]]:NEEDS[TextureReplacerReplaced] { %MODULE { %name = TRR_Reflection %shader = ShaderNG/TR_Reflective_Emissive_Alpha %colour = 0.4 0.4 0.4 %interval = 8 %meshes = } } //@PART[landingLeg1-2]:HAS[!MODULE[TRR_Reflection]]:NEEDS[TextureReplacerReplaced] { %MODULE { %name = TRR_Reflection %shader = ShaderNG/TR_Reflective_Emissive_Alpha %colour = 0.1 0.1 0.1 %interval = 8 %meshes = } } //@PART[miniLandingLeg]:HAS[!MODULE[TRR_Reflection]]:NEEDS[TextureReplacerReplaced] { %MODULE { %name = TRR_Reflection %shader = ShaderNG/TR_Reflective_Emissive_Alpha %colour = 0.1 0.1 0.1 %interval = 8 %meshes = } } 3 : Launch KSP and enjoy reflections again Maybe the shader TR_Reflective_Emissive_Alpha don't get the parameter we send to him, but it must have a default one ( I guess white colour) So it seems it works but we won't be able to modify the colour of the reflection.
  2. @Avera9eJoe : Just to be sure, I need to use the version 13.2 of windowshine ?
  3. You mean in the file "TR_Reflective_Emissive_Alpha.ksp" ? sorry I did not had any time free recently... ALWAYS use the last version of TTR (The 0.3 had the suit switch system broken) I have a new version coming soon, but I lack time IRL to do anything right now..
  4. Hey guys, I was busy as hell this week so did no followed the last topic, @Avera9eJoe & @Beetlecat does it work now or do you need something different in TRR ?
  5. Ah ! It seems I'm not the only who freak out
  6. This mod works "like a charm" now (normally) It's still in a prerelease state because there will be more features soon. Do you mean the line the @default.cfg? I'm not sure if it is still in use now. If not, it will come back soon, when I make the config window gui where you will be able to configure your texture and reflection color ingame Otherwise, I'm sure @Ger_space , aka Reflection and Shader Master will be able to tell us more on this. As for the tongue, I'm nearly sure there were there before the female body, the old head textures had the a place for the tongue, and they removed it because they couldn't find a proper solution to map from the texture file. The female head texture don't have the place for the teeth neither the tongue. Well ok, I won't loose time on this
  7. Well... I tried several times ejecting my kerbals and the scatterer MM config and I looked on every angle I could.... THE TONGUES ARE GONE !
  8. I'll look into this after I found the Lost Tongue
  9. I will try this ASAP I will need to make list of these external seats. My hat's off to you for remind me a way to test @Vorg's proposal in a safely way I'll this too ASAP.
  10. You can see the mouth and teeth way more easily and less deadly Just put them on the launchpad on EVA and zoom "trough" the head.. but I'll try we never know I think they removed the tongue when they introduced the female body...
  11. Does anybody has a trick to look at the tongue of our kerbals ? When I try to look at them in Eva , they just don't show.. (even on stock KSP). We can see the mouth and the teeth but not the tongue.. Do we see them when our kerbal make a happy face when they are inside a launching rocket and we see their head in the little window on the lower right side of the screen ? Have they disappeared when they introduced the female body ? I don't remember
  12. Alright, I'll look into this soon. I've finished another big step yesterday : the support of the new naming system that will allow modders to make what I call the " full suit set" that can old up to 1056 different textures (528 textures images and their 528 NRM). All parts and their normal maps (helmet, jetpack, suit and visor) can be levelled, have a standard, badass, veteran and veteran badass version and a male and female version of all of this I'll update and fix the head now, we will be able to level them, and I'll try to fix the mouth,tongue,teeth and eyeball problems. I'll make a release soon for this.
  13. Well if you test it on kerbin they should use the iva suit, and if you slap an external command pod on a rocket, they should use the Eva space when in space I 'll make an option where we have a special check for custom part like this external pod, do you know if there are other external pod like this where we see the kerbal ?
  14. I just noticed something... the kerbal use the IVA suit when they are on a outside command pod !!! I mean... in this particular case they should use the EVA ground suit instead I will need to make a special case for this pod...
  15. Somebody will have to make a new HD skybox (well in fact, all the textures need a HD upgrade) That's why I made the TRR_Guide We also need need a hd suit pack, that's what I originally started before taking on TR... When the TRR's transition is done, I will have the time to finish it
  16. Oh "funny" .. The message normally only appear for 2 sec when you toggle your suit. It seems that when your kerbal is in a exterior control pod, the system spam the toggle Does it do that in closed control pod like your rocket command pod ? I will remove the message in the next release. This make me think that I will also need make a configuration windows to be able to change the reflection color for each suit set
  17. The best place would be in your MyTextureMod folder where you put all your texture. But you can also put it in the TRR's folder or anywhere in GameData Also expect a new head system, in the future we will have levelled texture for the head, just like the suits
  18. There is a difference between the male et female body and this affect the suit texture. In TR you could assign a full suit set to only female or male but nobody ever made a female suit. I think this is because nobody ever noticed the warping with low resolution texture If you look closely at this picture, you will see that the shoulder, elbow and wrist are warped on Val (the pink one), the butt also don't move the same when you walk (can't see it on a still image) That's why the next release of TRR will have the possibility to include a female version in the same suit set (and also the veteran, badSS and veteran badSS) For now, TRR can detect male & female head by the folder configuration (and the gender of your kerbal of course). The suits still need to be applied in the right class in the config windows just like in TR. In the future you will have a second configuration window to configure the suit set itself and you will also the ability to change how the suit set behave (like do we remove the helmet in space, is it the default suit set, ..) Lastly, normally, you don't need to remove your TR_scenario from your persistent save, TRR use a TRR_scenario to avoid conflict As @Aelfhe1m said, you can remove it safely. This was explained in the release note... I can tell that you didn't read it
  19. Well... in TRR the skybox is loaded in the main menu as you can see on the colored image
  20. *A big screen behind the protagonists lights up and show colourful images* "This is a good question and I'm glad your asked. you can use your old texture mod just like you have done in the past with TR, with one notable difference, you NEED to put your males and females heads in subfolders in the Heads folder. Respectively called Males and Females and it will pick automatically the right gender for your kerbal ! no more .cfg to make where you need to tell male&female heads. BUT, and this is a major feature, you can also use your own MyTextureMod folder and put all your texture outside TRR's folder ! You just have to make a MyTextureMod.cfg where you tell the different paths of your folders. This way, when you update TRR, you don't risk to loose your precious textures ! And you can publish and update them more easily. You can find more informations about that in the release notes The navball texture replacement is still disabled, You can use Navball Texture Changer to change your navball. Oh and a last thing, if your texture used a .cfg file, don't use it any more, TRR has another .cfg namespace and your old .cfg won't work. Off course you can still make a .cfg for your mod, just use the new @default.cfg from TRR as a base instead of the old one from TR. "
  21. Guys come try the new version of TextureReplacerReplaced This should solve your problems, and if not, well discuss about it there, because you won't find updates for TR any more
  22. Ah one more brave We don't have a good camo suit set yet ! You can find a guide in the readme of the TRR_Guide . I suggest you to download 2 things : - the latest TRR_Guide_customFolder.V0.3 where you will find an example of what I call " the MIXED suit set " with the old name convention and example for the level 0 and level 5 (the others level goes like the level5 , just put the right number) - I suggest you also to download the TRR_Guide_SuitSet_full_DDS_MIXED_v0.2 where you will find a full suit set, with the new naming convention. (won't fully work until the next release of TRR) I strongly recommend you to first try to make the IVA suit because its easier to see it without the helmet and the jetpack. Its "old" name is "kerbalMainGrey" and the new name is "Suit_Iva_Standard_Male0 " The full new naming convention is not implemented yet in TRR, So I suggest you to use the old one until I release TRR with the full support of the new one (this will be the next release) Don't hesitate to ask questions, I can help you Just be sure of one thing, this will take time if you want to make a good suit set, but you will learn a lot. I started my hd suit set pack to learn photoshop and now I gained some skill levels Last thing, I STRONGLY suggest you to make a layer with a grid that goes on top of you texture (for your production version, not for the release version of your suit). This way you will see how the texture is morphed on the model. (Like you can see on my TRR_guide suit set) and it will help you to align the different zones of your model. Oh and use .png when you test your texture and only convert them in .dds when they are completed Well, I was thinking about a decal system but this won't work well with HD textures and the normal maps.. In fact, you already use the layers your are talking talking about when you make these textures but yeah its not in KSP but in photoshop/gimp ... If you have a good layers system in your photoshop/gimp , it doesn't take to much time to export the huge number of files needed. It took me one afternoon to export all the 528 texture files for the full new naming suit set. (and another to make all the 528 NRM)
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