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Everything posted by reddeath4242

  1. Not sure how hard this would be to implement, but wouldn't it be cool if you have a object in orbit of a certain size, it shows up a a pixel of light in the sky above Kerbin. Obviously you couldn't show any detail of the object due to the amount of processing power that would take, but I still think it would be awesome to be able to look up at the Kerbal sky and see your ships in orbit.
  2. Now that I think about it, that kind of thing could be best implemented by a mod
  3. Ever since I hooked up my laptop to my TV and started playing KSP it occurred to me that, to the extent of my knowledge, there is no dural monitor functions in KSP. Imagine if you could have map view on one screen and in cockpit view on another. Taking things even further, imagine being able to see from multiple perspectives at the same time during docking, it could cut the amount if time I spend fine tuning in half.
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