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Everything posted by Flamingo

  1. Right now rovers is a pretty fun thing to build in KSP, even though the wheels aren't the best. But rovers don't serve much of a purpose. What do you think KSP needs to make rovers better and more useful, and not only more wheels and special warp systems. If you have ideas, please dont just say "more science parts for rovers" but come with specific ideas, for specific parts, that serve a specific purpose.
  2. For a long time the only opportunity kerbals had to become something in life, was to join the Kerbal Space Centre. But after living close to the Space Center and hearing all the screams and watching all the flashes, one kerbal diced that changes had to happen. He thought about other things that would save him a space in the history books, and came up with a phenomena nobody had ever heard of before. Sports. Kerbals have always been struggling with throwing, kicking and catching. But there were three things that they did just a little bit better than the other sports. Driving: Kerbals have been racing each other everywhere, and with every possible craft. This time it was on bikes Swimming: After landing in water a lot of times, and since the KSC still haven't invented boats good enough for rescue-purpose, most of them had to simply swim to land. Running: It often happens that kerbals see bright lights in the night, sometimes its just a star flying by, but way too often, its debris burning its way down through the atmosphere. When this happens, kerbals have no other defence than running the opposite way. After excelling in all three disciplines, the brave kerbal made a track so he could do all the things at the same time. He quickly made it a trend, and it wasn't long, before kerbals began to see who could do it fastest. If you want to see if you can beat the brave kerbal, you can find his track HERE! And the bike is HERE! (Make a folder and place the persitent.sfs in there. In this folder make a new folder named "Ships", and in this folder make another folder called "SPH" here you place the bike.craft file so its: New folder/Ships/SPH/bike.craft) The track consist of: 3000m of biking 500m of swimming 1000m of running The time starts after you boards the seat of the bike, and ends when you cross the Finish Line. You should toggle brakes, decouple and then GO! You can find the bike in the savefile of the Spaceplane Hangar. To make sure that nobody is cheating and to make it easier to find out the time you used, its best if you record the entire race.
  3. I completely agree. It would be nice to have things like Remote Tech, FAR and life supports in the stock game, but they should definitely have the option to be toggled off.
  4. Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 always.
  5. Im looking forward to seeing what you will come up with! Thank you for the nice words, and you can bring something like that if you want, i'll be fine. Good luck
  6. Thank you The "wheels" are, as you probably can see, made of radial attachment points, but there i a little landing gear hidden inside so it can take of and land again.
  7. Here's my not valid try: I used a mod for the prop, because i thought i would be a shame to do it with jets. Not for going on the leaderboard only for trying. By the way i must also say that there isn't much meaning in having a leaderboard since no one can do it better than others. But nice one anyway.
  8. Zolotiyeruki is right, i have made i little flag somewhere on every island, but the images was already there, if they weren't it would've been impossible. That is a recent addition to the OP ... It wasn't there when I originally posted my comment Like this They've been there the whole time
  9. Right now im editing everything and i'll release it later today
  10. THANK YOU!!! This was exactly the kind of replies i was hoping for. I really think the ideas you have are brilliant. Since this post didn't have much activity, i figured out that it was to hard, i was so close to delete and come up with something else. But the idea of a leaderboard with Hyperedit or so, and a leaderboard with the whole trip is good like the other things.
  11. Big thanks to @Cunjo Carl for bringing this challenge up to date! Amelia Earhart was an American pilot who tried to fly around the world in her Lockheed Model 10 Electra-plane. Unfortunately, she crashed her plane, and was never found. The Earhart Challenge is following in her footsteps (without the crashing hopefully though). The challenge primarily takes place on Laythe, one of the five moons of Jool, and the only other planet than Kerbin with an atmosphere containing oxygen. This brings the opportunity to use jet engines. The challenge is an opportunity to get a look around on Laythe. You have 10 islands, one of them harder to get to plant a flag on than the other. When you visit an island you must plant a flag to points. The challenge has two modes, "Realistic mode" where you must launch from Kerbin get too Laythe and get back to orbit to finish your challenge. My recommended crafts here are: a big tug to bring you out there, a plane to fly around and plant the flags and a lander that you use to get back into orbit after finishing And "Casual mode" where you can use Hyperedit to get to a specific position on Laythe and then fly from there if you don't feel like doing the whole interplanetary travel. My recommended craft for casual mode is a plane so you can get around on Laythe and plant all the flags. How to use Hyperedit in the spoiler and download link below: Get it here Rules: You should plant a flag at every island you want points for. But if you want points for island number 7, you must visit and plant a flag on 6, 5, 4... It doesn't matter in what order you visit them, as long as you visit everything up till the number you finish on. You can use two (realistic) or one (casual) launches to make the ship. Eg. one launch for a rocket to push you out there, and one launch for a plane. The mods allowed are: Mechjeb KER Mk IV Spaceplane Systems (only the fuselage parts and the docking ports, so no engines, intakes, structural parts or RCS) You can also use mods that don't bring an advantage like Remote Tech or TAC... Hyperedit (Casual mode only of course) Partclipping is not allowed and no debug menu. (you can clip engines, liquid fuel tanks, and intakes into wings tho') You are allowed to use ISRU to refuel your craft. Your craft must carry at least four kerbals. You can not lose anyone on the way, and if you choose to land back at kerbin you should also land them all. Point system: Island points: The islands are in the hidden "box" further below with pictures. This here is only the names of the islands and the number of points they each assure you by planting a flag on them. The easy one: 100p The where to land?: 200p The slightly harder one: 300p The Australia: 400p The Chinese dragon-ish one: 500p The bumpy runway: 600p The New Zealand: 700p The high(run)way: 800p The tiny one: 900p The you can't see it without zooming one: 1000p +425p for an actual landing at the island Bonus points: 500p for using a boat to reach all the islands. (no flying, no driving, only sailing) 300p for only using two Juno engines and two small intakes to power yourself on Laythe. 100p for using a seaplane. This means that your plane can't have any landing gear, except if it is an SSTO. If you plan to leave Kerbin on landing gear, you must decouple your landing gear before entering Laythe's atmosphere. This also means that you will either have to swim to land with a kerbal or bring a small boat. 700p for using one SSTO for everything. (Realistic mode only) 600p for returning all kerbals back to Kerbin. (Realistic mode only) Multipliers and dividers: This is to get more difference and better competition between the people trying. p=price fs=final score s=score (all your points added together) P=parts Realistic mode: Your score minus the square root of the price of your craft(s) combined: s-√p=fs Let's say I' got a score of 3500 and one of my ships cost 200,000, while the other one costs 500,000 my equation would be: 3500-√700,000=2663.34 Casual mode: You shall minus your score with the number of parts times 2.5: s-P*2.5=fs Lets say I have a score of 600 after visiting the first three islands and my craft uses 58 parts this means my equation would look like this: 600-58*2.5=455 Images: The images are helping me to see if you have done what you needed to do. And a classic rule on the forum is "No pics, no clicks", so if you want just a little applause, you will help yourself by inserting pictures. Realistic mode: You must have a picture of your craft(s) at the launchpad or runway before launching them. You must have a picture of your craft(s) going up through the atmosphere. You must have a picture of your craft trajectory out to Jool. You must have a picture of your craft on the island or next to it before you plant a flag. You must have a picture of a kerbal standing next to the flag. A picture of you in orbit around Laythe after you've planted all the flags you want. You must have a picture of your kerbals standing back at kerbin (if you chose to go back) Casual mode: You must have a picture of your craft at the launchpad or runway before Hypereditting them. You must have an image of the place you land after Hypereditting. You must have a picture of your craft on the island or next to it before you plant a flag. You must have a picture of a kerbal standing next to the flag. The islands you can land on to get points: Somewhere at every island, there is a "flag" like this to help you with guidance while flying. (except for "The tiny one". Here the flag is on a northern island, so it won't disturb your landings) Savefile here Just create a folder and place the "persistent. sfs " file inside. Place the folder in your saves folder, start the game and fly! ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Leaderboards: There will be two leaderboards, one for all the people who are used to doing interplanetary travels and know how everything works. And one for all the people who might just have reached Minmus, or maybe even Duna. If you are one of the people who can do this with your hands tied on your back (or not), you can get on the "Realistic mode" leaderboard. If you just wanna try and see how everything will work out, you can get on the "Casual mode" leaderboard. Realistic mode: The King: 2. 3. 4. 5. Casual mode: The Lord: 2. 3. 4. 5.
  12. Well i should've said it in another way since is isn't only the landing but in genral that it is impossible to fly with your CoL in front of CoM, but the fuel is often drained at the landing and not before so thats why. I'll try removing the front ones and place them in the back. Thanks!!!
  13. For a long time i've been trying to build a working SSTO. Once again i tried, not with much hope (if i couldn't build one out of Mk I parts why would i be able to build one out of Mk IV parts?). But i actually did succeed. The plane is going to be used to transport Kerbals and small pieces of cargo between Laythe and a ship thats gonna fly them out to my Jool spacestation. But since i've never been good at building spaceplanes, i've got a problem. If you drain the planes fuel completely its CoM will be in the back of the CoL, if you keep the two front parts filled, it'll still be in front, but that is not the purpose. I´m sure that most of my problem is all the engines in the back of the plane. I'm asking all the pro SSTO builders (Mark Thrimm looking at you) to help me, either by giving me suggestions about what to do, or even better if somebody would download the craft and then re build the wings and engines. The only that i dont want to change is the fuselage itself. (Please move this post if its posted in the wrong place) Thank you! Craft file:https://kerbalx.com/Flamingo/MK-IV-SSTO
  14. Do you ever have that feeling that you are wasting your money on useless parts, only to make life easier for yourself and your kerbals? Well i did, so i sat down and discussed with Wernher what parts was necessary, and what were just pure luxury. We came to an agreement that three wheels was nothing but a waste of money. Wernher came up with this sleek looking plane:
  15. On the image you can see my problem. As you can clearly see there are map lines in the background, but i can't click on anything to add maneuver nodes. When i click "m" the ships disappear, but i cant get out of mapview, its when im clicking on [ or ] that the ships appear. As you also can see there are two of the same Kerbals. When i use the bracket keys to shift, it gives me all the information about the kerbal (name, speed, heading...) but it doesn't show EVA fuel, and the camera is still looking at the ship that i shifted away from. Everything started to happen when i took my first kerbal, "Koroly", out of the lander can, when i turned on RCS he just kept on spinning around and the thrust bar went up and down without me being able to control it. I send out the other kerbal to try to push Keroly back to a laddder so he could grab (i was still able to grab things) but he nothing happened but i bumped into him, so i went back in, but the clone stayed on the outside. I've experienced the thing with clones before, and it almost only happens when im using Nuclear engines. I really hope that someone have experienced at least one of these problems before, and found a way to solve it. Im using: Scansat Raster Monitor FASA Kethane Extraplanetary Launchpads RemoteTech Planetary Base Systems Mechjeb Mechjeb Imbedded NearFuture Solar Dockingport alignment indicator StationScience Kerbal Alarm Clock KIS and KAS
  16. I've got exactly this problem too, so just leaving this in a hope for a solution.
  17. Sorry about the topics, didn't knew I couldn't write that. Thanks for the answer about the link. I'll buy it through the KSP store.
  18. Hi! I of course want to support the developers. But I tried to download the "lite" file, or what it's called. But when I open it it just keeps jumping in my dock, and never opens. I'm playing on a MacBook Air, and it has all the specs needed. I stumbled over this link, and I just want to know if any of you have experience with buying it or other games from here, what can I expect from getting it from here. https://www.kinguin.net/category/4265/kerbal-space-early-access-steam-key/?r=11604 Thank you a lot
  19. I got a mission telling me to launch the plant growth experiment, and finish it in orbit around mun, then return it to kerbin and recover it. I did all this, but i didnt get any checkmarks in it. When i recovered it on kerbin, the mission wasnt accomplished. I can not see what ive done wrong, so if you could please help find out, id be greatfull. Im playing in version 1.1.0
  20. Yeah okay my bad, dont know why i didn't think of that. Sorry for using your time. But again thank you and the others for our awesome mod
  21. Hi guys! First of all i want to thank you for this awesome mod, it really changes the way you could play KSP. But unfortunately i cant get it to work. I get all the part and when i use them in the SPH or VAB they move as they should, but when i launch, i can press all the buttons i want, it does not work! Do you have a solution to this problem? Here are the other mods i have installed: PlanetrayBaseInc KIS KAS NearFutureSolar ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads MagicSmokeIndustries (surprise) Mechjeb2 Mechjeb2 Embbeded 1 SationScience PartCommander Thank you!
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