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  1. Palaceviking's post in Maneuver Node Focus was marked as the answer   
  2. Palaceviking's post in Eve drop pod for Rover - keep exploding was marked as the answer   
    If you can make orbit then just dip your peri doen to about 60 at the most, the pressure rises sharply at 50k and will eat you if your doing over about 3500ms
  3. Palaceviking's post in Drilling was marked as the answer   
  4. Palaceviking's post in SSTO...how?? was marked as the answer   
    Can you do it on one swivel only? And bring the jets into the body thereby reducing your forward facing profile? 
    Would reduce drag a lot.
    Actually scratch that, you'll need hypersonic jet engines for that kind of ssto anyways, just realised they're wheasley's. 
    You could try a pure rocket ssto but I haven't seen one of those since 1.0.4.
    For future reference you need to be doing 1100m/s at 17-22km Before switching to rockets** if going with a jet rocket combo.
    ** all quoted numbers have a 20% "ish" factor. 
  5. Palaceviking's post in Crossfeed problem... was marked as the answer   
    If you put two connector ports and an electric screwdriver in an engineers inventory in the vab(any probs just ask) then when said engineer gets there
    1:open inventory-equip screwdriver-
    2:attach ports to any two points.(you might want to carry quite a few of these actually) 
    3:right click on a port and click link, then you will see a green translucent pipe attached to the port and your kerbals back.
    4: go to other port-right click-attach.
    5:switch back to the craft and right click on one of the ports-select "pump here".
    Any probs post here I'll follow this thread. 
    Also I found out that stuff in their inventory makes them much heavier (proved difficult when I had to reassemble a lander on duna and my jetpack became useless)! 
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