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  1. If ContractsWindowPlus does not load contracts correctly when loaded from a particular quicksave.sfs but does load the contracts correctly when that quicksave.sfs is copied to replace persistent.sfs and the game is restarted to load from that, what is happening?
  2. Should the research cost of a welded part be the sum of the research cost of its components as it is now? In my opinion it makes more sense for this number to be much lower if not 0. The research on how to make the part is done already. Why is there research to be done on welding them together? Of course I can edit the part file but it seems that this may have just been a quick fix or oversight given that many players don't use the R&D entry purchase price difficulty option. In a perfect world this could be changed in the settings window of the welder.
  3. @nightingale I'm looking for information on the stock contract format in .sfs files. Specifically the order of the values line listing rewards. I am looking at ContractConfigurator-master\source\ContractConfigurator\ContractType.cs. The order of the rewards in this .cs file does not seem to be the same as the order in .sfs files. I assume it is necessary for ContractConfigurator to know this order and I haven't found where this is in the source.
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