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Everything posted by Andrew2070

  1. Greetings! This is basically my initial first post to the K.S.P Community, however I have been playing since 2014. (0.90). I currently am running version 1.0.5 of the game due to the greater capacity of mods available at this iteration. Anyhow, I have a thing for aesthetically pleasing yet functional spacecraft capable of tremendous feats! Presently I have been working on a SSTO that can travel from Kerbin to a Station/Cruiser, refuel and undock, then head off to another planet. You might be intrigued by cruiser in the line above, I am still working out kinks in it, but essentially it is a giant flying space battleship. However, what I was aiming for was a cruiser that can ferry two SSTO's to another planet, and use them to bring ore back for refueling. Craft Name: [x33] LongSword Game Version Used: 1.0.5 Modifications Used: TweakScale, O.P.T, K.W Rocketry, adjustable landing gear. Short Description(s): A highly maneuverable, reinforced SSTO capable of withstanding maximum G-Force for prolonged periods of time. The LongSword is able to travel at a max speed of 336 m/s in atmosphere (Kerbin, Without oxidizer after burners). The LongSword has been able to orbitally insert itself and land on the following planets: Kerbin, Duna, Eve. The craft has an onboard system of mining/extracting ore and utilizing it to recreate liquid fuel + oxygen. The process takes around 130 days (can be fast forwarded) to fill up all of it's empty tanks and extra ore. It can also survive speeds of 1200 m/s in kerbin atmosphere during re-entry without being destroyed. Not to mention the fact that it can fly without ONE wing or stabilizer. (Not both at same time though). Thus this little flying triangle is capable of lifting the heaviest loads to kerbin orbit and beyond! However it does require refueling in space before voyage, (Farthest it can go with refueling in orbit = Duna). If docked to another vessel, then the odds are limitless but I only had enough time to make for Eve. Screenshots: http://imgur.com/a/pCJBj Future Implementations: Robotic Arm with the Magic Smoke Industries, Infernal Robotics: Basically wanted an arm to tug satellites out of orbit and destroy them in re-entry as my longsword safely returns to KSC. The arm would also allow me to grip onto asteroids as a Kerbin Defense mission! The reason I don't like to use BD-Armory anymore is because it's not fun to roleplay anymore. (For those that blow up sattelites with guns). I mean I can go spend hours making a fleet of ships then blow them up for my own satisfaction. I think it's pointless to arm ships in orbit because despite sci fi movies, missiles in space have to retrograde (flip back and fire engines) if you're faster than a target. Meaning it looks funny if you attack Kerbin with weapons because the missile you launch forward, turns backwards and then flips over again. Cheers!
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