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Everything posted by Xan

  1. Ok, here it is the task, its to fly around kerbin and land back at KSC, seems easy enough but you can\'t go over 15,000 meters and has to be in a space plane. no parts allowed to detach during flight or fall off. Then land back on the KSC runway or well around it. Plane must be launched horizontally and has to all be vanilla parts. Good Luck!!!
  2. Here is a quick shot of a space station I had in orbit back in 15.2. This was not flown up by any means, how I got it there was by flying a ship into a stable orbit then changing the ship flying to the one that is in the picture. Sorry but I\'m unable to remember what mod pack it was.
  3. Heyy all, only just bought the game yet have been playing since about it was released but haven\'t played in the last 6 months and only bought the game a few days ago now and was wondering if there are any tutorials worth watching out there?
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