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Confused Scientist

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Everything posted by Confused Scientist

  1. I have multiple savefiles, so let's see... Dead, dead, retrograde Eeloo intercept, broken lander in Kerbin's Grasslands, dead, protesting how robots are taking his job, broken airplane cockpit on Minnmus, dead, and trapped underneath a Duna rover. I have a lot of savefiles.
  2. BOOK ONE Chapter 1- Station One Jeb floated in Centrifuge 4. Only number two still spun, and the station managers had even had to turn that back. Business had been slow for months; ever since the Colossus II injection station had opened, passerby had decreased even more than usual. The Number Nine shuttle would be the first vehicle to visit in quite a while, and it would only carry three passengers- and two of them were just along for the ride before the shuttle went to Colossus II. Jeb wondered what the deal with the other kerbal was- after all, the only thing that wasn't smuggled into the station was money. He spun around and floated up the ladder. Bill and Bob were waiting for him at the distillery. "How's the ship?" he asked Bill. "Why should I care? It doesn't have anywhere to go," he replied. Jeb sighed. It didn't cost very much to live at the station, but they hadn't gotten a customer in months. With Munbase Two construction booming, all of the big tug and dropship companies were expanding, building, and improving. The truth was, nobody needed Station One anymore, and nobody came. Even the Number Nine shuttle only flew to deliver spare parts to the rundown station. The shuttle was somewhere out there, and it must be closing fast, if it was going to- A bang echoed through the station. Jeb recognized the sound as the old docking port, whose retraction systems had broke and now caused excess noise every time it compressed- which, at this point, was once every few months. There was no official schedule for the Number Nine shuttle anymore, and soon it might stop running entirely. The new arrival would be crawling through the hatch right about now. Rumor had it that he was an engineer whose job it was to survey the station and find a reason to decommission it- it was costing the United Kerbin an obscene amount of money to keep it up and running. However, that might not be true- as Jeb rounded the bend in the centrifuge, he could see the shuttle unloading a Mark 15 lander and maneuvering it to an adjacent docking port. Clearly, it belonged to the engineer- What is his name?- and he wanted to go to the Mun. And Jeb could tell just by looking at it that it didn't have enough fuel for the transfer. He was sprinting toward the docking module to intercept the passenger on the way out. On the way there, he was mentally rehearsing what he would say to that engineer to get him to choose Jeb's Dropship Services. There were other kerbals at this station who wanted to steal his business, and Jeb wasn't about to let that happen. He would intercept that engineer- Hudson, that was his name- and convince him that this kerbal he'd never met before was the best option to get away from this station as soon as possible. He'd have quite a time convincing Hudson to be his customer- after all, they'd never met. Which is why Jeb was so startled when he heard a strange voice say, "Jeb Kerman- just the kerbal I was looking for. Do you have any dropships that can make the trip to Munbase Two?"
  3. My favorites: Sherbart, Billy-Bobbard, and Kerburry Kerman. Love the alliterative names. Also, I used f12 menu to make Sully Kerman, Kirrim Kerman, and- the clever ones- Lucy Kerman and Diamond S. Kerman. I put them in the sky together. 'Cause, ya know, Diamond S. is kinda like Diamonds, and, well, Lucy's in the sky with her... Get it? You don't? Go to YouTube and look up Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds.
  4. Making a Dollar or Two Introduction: Fifty years after the nuclear fires wiped the last great nation-states from the face of Kerbin, and the survivors banded together into the United Kerbin, it was time to reach for the stars again. No kerbal had left the home planet since the astronauts had returned from Minnmus Exploration Mission Two and, upon seeing the dead planet, knew that Kerbin was never meant for Kerbalkind. They fired off their last five rockets on an ill-fated colonization mission to Laythe- only to hear a signal from the survivors two hours after the escape burn was completed. They perished when their aerobrake at Laythe proved to be too zealous- and since then nobody had left Kerbin. Now, Station One had been completed, and it was time to bring back the bones of the colonization party... Twenty-five years after that, Station One was practically a derelict floating in orbit. The only kerbals who were still there were either hustlers, smugglers, gamblers, or anyone else who thought they could make a quick buck. Some of them did, some of them didn't, and some of them just sat around the distillery and had another ale. However, they all had one thing in common: At one time or another, they had all been down on their luck- with one exception. Hudson Kerman knew that he was the luckiest kerbal alive when he got off the Number Nine shuttle to Station One and saw the sign advertising Jeb's Dropship Services. It said, "No questions asked." And that was why Hudson had come to the station in the first place.
  5. Stock propellers are extremely useful for if you need a craft to tear itself apart at launch. I watched a great tutorial (by Squiddy) on YouTube and I still have no idea how people get those things to work.
  6. My SSTOs are all part of the "B9 Starfleet." Actually, they are all stock, but it sounds better than anything else I could think of. And no, no relation to Star Trek, I haven't even watched one episode.
  7. As a matter of fact, my rocket did not need more struts, boosters, or parachutes. As a matter of fact, my rocket did need more sepatrons on the boosters.
  8. I want to post an ongoing project to the mission reports. Should I put the first chapter in the first post with the introduction, and then edit it into its own post once more chapters are published, or should I just put it in a new post from the start?
  9. When your computer gives up and just decides to freeze the size of the GameData folder at 999.99 TB and represents further growth by making the folder icon grow larger.
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