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Everything posted by Boorang

  1. do they like it? soup, there is a fly in my waiter!
  2. More Anna crayfish shoot Tim and hurt the working wire gauze.
  3. Mioohi clay - sometimes hurt wire work
  4. ...by eating them. okay new game! (C)all players are dealt 2 cards...
  5. My well-lit cat is fireworks dog
  6. if the previous post ended with". . ." then you have to start with ". . ." and write a continuation of their rules! do not end posts in commas! ...if they catch you win!
  7. 2092: A room full of spectral slugs. you take a flying barrel to the next floor.
  8. an angel attacks, destroying the souls o everyone. my angelic rocket hill
  9. I suck the crater into the floraverse. my luneko-inhabited concrete disc in space
  10. Moore · Well · Louse cat-cat __ ____ _ _
  11. an asteriod hits the mun. my crater.
  12. here you go! waiter, there is the One-eyed One-horned Flying Purple People Eater in my soup!
  13. I pile up all the chess boards in the world. my chessboard hill
  14. not not not not banned for not not not not not not not not banning about guns
  15. ...repeat until there are no card in your hand. to win..
  17. the rules are simple: you post the rules for a board/card game. you can end an incomplete rule set with ". . ." to make the next person add to the rules. if the previous post ended with". . ." then you have to start with ". . ." and write a continuation of their rules. card games are marked with "c", board games "b" and games with both "cb" do not end posts in commas! I'll start. (C) deal six cards from a double deck of poker cards. turns move clockwise around the table. if you get an ace of spades. . .
  18. if model 4 blue magic boulder starts to hum, report occurrence, provide product code, and do not taunt magic boulder
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