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Everything posted by Phoenix13

  1. une excellente mise à jour en date du 6.08.2020 qui fait planter les jeux. disparition de la barre d'acces des batiments impossible d'acceder aux batiments une partie de 300h de jeux qui passe a la poubelle merci
  2. my mission is to report a rock mun on ksc, I find the said rock in the good biome I take it and I return to kerbin but the mission is not valid ?? why??? if you want kill a good game you have the good line
  3. my mission is to report a rock mun on ksc, I find the said rock in the good biome I take it and I return to kerbin but the mission is not valid ?? why???
  4. thank you all for your answers. I still have the same problem no flame on booster or shuttle engines. pity I liked this mod but I can not find any solutions to my problem
  5. hello to all this mod works and if so or download it again, thank you in advance
  6. thank you for your answer, I already have version 1.6.1 of ksp and Mmanager has 3.1.3. Where can I find the parts database file ? The file from ksp is empty ?
  7. Hello I use this mod for a long time and I'm still a big fan. today I have a problem with the launcher engines and shuttles no longer available. some idea?
  8. bonjour j'ai un bugg en vue interne mon écran est rose. une idée d'ou peut venir le problème?
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