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  1. Hello community, I am fairly new to the game. I've started the career mode and at this point I have several missions in which I have to take some equipment into a scape trajectory. I was wondering what is your opinion in such missions, cause as far as I know, this would imply losing a pilot. What's the difficulty of these kind of missions? A fast calculatino gives me an escape velocity of v = sqrt(GM/r) = 3430 m/s. I could just design a rocket with such deltaV (with margin for drag and gravity) and that would be it. Would the cost of the mission be higher than the rewards? Could I just add a Solid Booster as last stage, so I can reverse the trajectory and end up again landing on Kerbin? Is this feasible? Mainly because I don't want to lose a pilot with a mission like this and also because I still don't have the expertise to perform a rescue mission at this stage. Cheers
  2. Hello community, I just started playing this awesome game yesterday. I am an aerospace engineering student so I find this game quite fascinating and with a good potential. Right now, I am at the initial missions where you have to test different equipment at different altitudes and speed. Is there any recommended procedure to do this? For example, if you have to be at altitude [27000,33000] m at a speed [1100,1300] m/s, is it just a trial and error thing or there could be some math behind? I guess I could do some calculations but I don't know how realistic the game is. Thanks
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