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Everything posted by lllmaxlvllll

  1. Because he would get a stupid answer. Why isn't there a question mark at the end of your question?
  2. Smacking into Kerbal , which killed Jeb , because I didn't get out of time warp quick enough.
  3. You should see the forums for War Thunder.
  4. Built a simple rocket , made sure everything lined up just right , checked to make sure it was balanced , put it on the launch pad , and realized that the stages were mixed up when I tried launching but only deployed my parachute.
  5. Technically this was yesterday. I put myself in orbit (accidentaly) for the first time. Too bad I have no way to leave orbit as it's only a capsule. RIP Jeb.
  6. Banned because I have no idea who you are.
  7. Mwahahaha , a new person enters! Catweazle? Oh wait , wrong forums ( same game though)
  8. I woke up at some time ( is it sad I can't remember what time that was? Maybe I'm still dreaming? ) , cleaned my room , signed up for these forums , and I'm about to go to school . Then I'll probably play either play KSP or War Thunder when I get home. And then I'll go to bed.
  9. Well , here I am. Started play only a week ago with a total of 5 hours in the game. I play on the PS4 version BTW.
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