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  1. Hi guys, not a total noob, but fairly close to one. I inherited a gaming PC that was probably pretty good a few years ago. It worked quite well for all of my gaming needs. I know it's not the best in the world, but it did the trick and ran things well enough. And that was great for the past few years. But now the graphics card is excrements. I got those green lines on my screen and I had to rip it out. I don't want to build a new pc (not true, the fact is I can't afford to) All I really want is to find a graphics card that isn't too powerful for my older processer and won't break my wallet in the process. I'm willing to spend a few hundred bucks at the most. I checked around review sites and they are all hyping the newest and the best. I don't have a 4k monitor and honestly couldn't tell you what ray tracing is. So all the superlatives they toss around doesn't help me much at all. Does anyone know of a solid graphics card that will work with my pc?
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