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  1. Well, I don't live in the USA. In my country, we have to own a digital or physic copy to have multiple versions of it. E.G: If I have a game like Mario Bros on my DS, and I downloaded the pirated ROM Mario Bros to stack it on a USB key because it is practice, I can. Same thing for sharing copies, the two people must have a original copy of the game (here it is more an official purchase from the steam Store or KSP webSite) At least, thanks for your answer. We can stay in contact if you research also this version... (If you want)
  2. Thanks for that answer. Any way to have before 0.22 version ? I just wonder because the 0.17 is quite cool with atmosphere on Moho and magic boulder. If it's not possible through Steam, is it possible that someone give me the copy of this version and I have to show a proof of my purchase on Steam ? (Is it illegal if the person and me bought the copy, and that person gave me the version ? )
  3. Can developers put a way on steam to have all versions of the game ? We can find on the net the 6.0 to 18.1 (demo) Especially the 0.17 on steam when we bought one copy of KSP.... Do not say that's illegal because it will be added to all previously versions available on steam. Unfortunately we can't get versions before 1.0.5. on steam.
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