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Everything posted by Corovaneer

  1. Adding Part { cfg } to part.cfg didn`t do anything. Should I install the whole folder in gamedata or as usual, throw contents in KSP root? edit: placing mod subfolders in KSP folder like in older versions is not doing it as well.
  2. I miss this seat from DEMV mk4 bike, it was perfect for open-cockpit airplanes, and worked as first part too! Please dont forget to bring back! (or maybe there`s a hackaround already?)
  3. I may have found a glitch, sort of. A test ship of this config: <{Pod][Fuel tank][Fuel tank][Fuel tank][Fuel tank][engine]<| with lock enabled ONLY for headmost fuel tank on both fuel and oxidizer, OR for ALL OTHER fuel tanks - always draws fuel ONLY from headmost tank. Front tank can still be kept full with IN turned on - but doh, just for you to know.
  4. Corovaneer Toolshed ltd. presents The Stratosoarer V(anilla)1. A performance atmospheric craft for circling the globe and unscheduled LKO entry, with aerobatic quality wing (that came to life as a result of blueprints being held upside down at some point of nose-to-tailbeam assembly of another V-wing), and sleek design with a lot of potential for making it less sleek with various payloads and extensions. Despite (or thanks to) a rather controversial usage of multi-stage air compressors, coupled with a latest software by MechJeb this craft is capable of atmospheric speeding up to 2,4 km\s, with final altitudes of over 100km by 30km. Actual mass of self-propelled payloads that can be carried such distances is unknown, but thought to be enough for reaching Kerbostationary orbit. As for aerobatics.. my flightstick skills are a bit rusty, hence... a mishap Craft file (with wings intact! ) http://rghost.ru/45568392
  5. Mjeb 1.9.3 seems to be working fine, BUT there`s one oddity I noticed - compared to 1.9.2, AN\DN timing seems to be broken in some (?) cases - for example it shows me nearly identical timing when transfering to Eve, and both are wrong compared to the point I eyeballed on map. here the ship is near a node, but numbers are way off.
  6. I second the question. Vanilla jet engines produce incredible 1% thrust in Eve atmosphere, but it`s very thick - so I wonder, if blade engines from DA are "Jet" by their nature (and will not work there), or their performance is related to lift and atmosphere thickness (which would be very good)?
  7. Installing 1.1 over 1.0 broke the mod only for me or for someone else too? In 0.17 it worked more or less ok, but 1.1 in 0.17 just acts like debris: no control or staging. And 1.2 has broken .cfg, and weren`t reuploaded as for 24\09, am I right?
  8. I played around with v0,34 in 0.17, everything seems to be working at first glance, but then it turned out that having more than one of any kind of pointed antenna dish on your ship causes a gamebreaking FPS drop (about 1-0.5 FPS that never goes away). My wild guess is that it either has collision box\joint that became incompatible with how 0.17 handles part joints, or that .dll routine that deals with pointed dishes somehow became a bottleneck for a whole game - omnidirectional antennas are working just fine.
  9. Is it possible to make such a script that would produce the effect of a button pressed? For example, if I use Damned Robotics in ascent stage, and I need automatic control on hinges that are with 0 and 9 by default?
  10. I`ve been messing around with this crew tank and to I want to ask - is it absolutely uncontrollable for everyone else? When I decouple it, even if it has crew, it just sits there like a debris. I can adjust thrust up and down, but nothing comes out of engine. If I have Mjeb strapped to it, I can fire engines, but I can`t change direction - rcs, thrust vectoring or wasd does nothing. Staging doesn`t work of course, but if mjeb allows to fire it`s engines, maybe rcs\asas\directions are possible too? Overall, very nice part, used it for rescue mission already, without having to offload kerbals before flight.
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