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    kerbal.net Team
  1. All right that's it who wants a new Kerbalnet? I'll make up a more detailed post tonight if the response is OK I'll be happy to answer any questions
  2. There is a minor bug that is causing some issues with updating mods. It's inconsistency was a problem with finding it but in the process of uploading the KOSMOS packs we really noticed it and we found what was causing it and it should be fixed now. If it hasn't been fixed for you we need to know (hit me up with a PM or something).
  3. Can't say I have, try unzipping it again or download the file again?
  4. Awesome mod! You know that you can upload the extra images you have to the mod page on kerbalnet too - it's on the edit mod page just under the cover image
  5. Quick changelog for the past few days: - Updated file names to use a more descriptive title ( Eg; "deep_space_mission_pack-" ). - Updated right col on homepage to show 6 most downloaded files ( and new aesthetic ). - Updated search function removing some cases of mod duplication. - Updated categories to support sub categories ( actual sub categories coming soon ). - Finished server side controllers for mirrored distributed downloads which will be implemented soon. - Finished basic functionality of HTTP GET JSON API which is in closed beta testing ( if you want to try it out PM Shoar or myself ). - Added support for mod makers to add additional images to their cover image slider. - Added new area for users to grab forum BBcode of the generated signature link to support their favourite mods. - Added ticket system to report bad content or intellectual property violations. Still to-do: - Let multiple users edit one mod page. - Finish the API app creation process. - "Collection" pages for bringing lots of mods together from one ( or more ) authors. - User account pages ( for changing your password ). - Finish the footer and eliminate the chrome floating bug. We hit a few milestones: - 50,000 unique visitors. - 5,000 downloads. - 50gb traffic used. - 100,000 remotely exposed ( mostly from these forums ).
  6. I was bored and decided I'd make a new desktop background of the fictional KSP planet Aereon (pronounced; 'e-ron') with moons Pyke (pronounced; 'pie-ke') and Reule (pronounced; 'rey-ool'). http://puu.sh/14A3Z (1920x1080) http://puu.sh/14Ajn (1920x1080 with Kerbal Space Program written in the bottom right corner) Pyke is the moon in the foreground and Reule is hiding against the dark background (top right).
  7. That's because they are using the Dragon capsule! I really love this capsule - it's taken over as my new main capsule (instead of the VA) c:
  8. Really great mod - I use it in most of my LKO rockets now
  9. I too would like to know how they de-orbit but also if there is a maximum distance you can operate them from before they won't reach kerbin (or at least accurately).
  10. Kerbalnet has finished moving to a much, much faster host. We had a few minor issues that have all been resolved now and so mod uploading and account creation have been re-enabled and you should already notice the speed difference. Apologies for any inconveniences we may have caused during the move, we are now sitting on 3 nodes (at 1gbps each). We are also setting up 2 file mirror servers to further increase download speeds. Edited: Additional image upload is now live so any body with mod pages can upload additional cover images to their slider.
  11. It's a java application, the client isn't the only big advance in that area - we are actually in the process of developing a full fledged HTTP rest API for developers (web or otherwise) to access data about mods and other site features, so far we have established most of the basic functions of the API and hope to have a working preview up by the end of the weekend. Also big news, we JUST ticked 2,500 downloads and 20,000 visitors!
  12. 1. Ohdear thanks for pointing that out 2. I'll fix that right away 3. Again, I'll get onto it right away (it's been on the table but we had a few things we wanted to put in before it) The best we can do is ask mod makers directly to put their content on (and help them through the process) as well as making the site as publicly known as possible (both of which we are trying hard to achieve)! It's really good to get feedback, thanks a lot guys!
  13. first image by far, too much space is used by the (redundant) filters in the second image. Why does each record have individual filtering? that seems a little bit stupid imho. Wouldn't the filters be more suited at the top of the listing and then using the space for descriptions. Also your namespaces are probably too short in image one, looks like 30 odd characters which isn't enough unless your forcing shortening :3
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