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    Rocketry Enthusiast
  1. Hey welcome to the forums:) squad has said that KSP .17 will crash until they get it fixed in a minor update. Here is a brilliant mod site I use http://www.kerbal.net/
  2. I said that I may be wrong and anyways taking a while I should have said it would take a lot longer because thats what I meant..
  3. I am not a rocket scientist so forgive me if some things are wrong. Space travel to other planets is not to hard if you look at the way Juno travels. I watched a documentary about space travel and supposedly Juno travels by using planets' orbits to boost it therefore making it faster as it goes. If we could do this(but faster it took Juno many years to get past Jupiter) with humans we could easily ( I didn't say safely) get to other star systems but it would take a while since we do not posses warp drive/light speed technology. I think we have a lot of potential with our rockets. I mean we are expecting to send men and women to the moon and Mars in the next 10-20 years!
  4. Hi guys I was just wondering when the game goes up on steam will I have to re-buy it if I do have to . I hope I don't have to re-buy thanks guys
  5. I have seen the wiki. I mean is there anything you know besides what they say they are going to add?
  6. Hi I'm kind of new and I haven't heard how Squad wants future updates laid out and if this doesn't belong in the suggestions forum I thought it kinda did anyways could you guys tell me what the have planned besides the following: 1.Docking and space stations. 2.More planets other than .17 ones 3. IVA's These are the things I know hey are having next update or coming in future updates. Bye! Edit: I HAVE READ the wiki I mean't do you know anything that isn't on the planned features page. Thanks bye
  7. Gears of vvaris alpha v0.1 custom landing gears with suspension and steering! *Requires/Made possible: Tosh cart plugin.* First Gears of vvaris parts working. DOWNLOAD Gears of vvaris alpha v0.1 *Requires/Made possible: Tosh cart plugin.* Google drive: https://docs.google.com/open?id=0By0AKjfh8r6YS3FGd2pIMVFMUlk Dropbox: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/2988574/Gears%20of%20vvaris.7z Parts: *untextured, unbalanced, almost untested, cannot start wheels deployed yet, small visual glitch when using mirror while palcing the parts* Piccolo S -Light landing gear with steering, can use rudder to steer the wheel when speed under 10m/s. Piccolo -Light landing gear NOT YET but In production Vorona S -Medium landing gear with steering Vorona -Medium landing gear Matuška S -Heavy duty landing gear with steering Matuška -Heavy duty landing gear Matuška 2000 -Heavy duty rear landing gear with engine Other information TEST PILOTS NEEDED! Modding is time consuming, you can help just playing the game! Why help? You get to try the parts before everyone else, in their all untextured, placeholder glory! You get to influence the properties and visual aspects of the parts Test pilot duties: Test parts Report bugs/ weirdness Suggest modifications to .cfg files Help to balance parts Test landing gear maximum weights *not required but considered as HUGE bonus* Create code, models, textures, skins or sound. *not required but considered as HUGE bonus* Create update videos for youtube. How? As a RedStar test pilot you get a magical dropbox or Google drive folder where new parts appear before release. Apply by replying to this tread. Understanding about the game, cfg, texturing, modelling coding, video editing, or something related is considered as Bonus. As far as I understand there is no way currently to have the attach node have an 5 degree rotation, so at the moment we are limited to attaching the first fuselage part to the adapter using the surface snapping. After connection the adapter it is good idea to rotate the command module (ejection seat) 5 degrees so you can continue building in straight line after the adapter. You can rotate any part a 5 degrees at a time if you press SIFT+W,A,S,D,Q or E. If you wish to reset the rotation press SPACE. 1. Select the ejection seat as a command module. 2.insert the small stock parachute to the middle back node in the seat. 3.insert minidecoupler to the bottom of the ejection seat. You need to turn it 90 degrees using ASDW keys. 4.insert miniboosters (small blue objects in the rocket engine section) to the two nodes at the back of the seat, currently you need to do it individually for both sides. 5. Insert cockpit to the minidecoupler. 6. Insert canopy to the cockpit. 7. Move parachute minidecoupler and miniboosters to same stage, this will be your EJECT! stage. 8. *optional* move parachute to different stage above the stage you just created if you wish. Otherwise the parachute fails to deploy if you eject on ground when you are not moving. Redstar co-op is looking for collaboration, texture artist and coder. 0:30 Lulz little kid
  8. I can start working on that now! I'll take some screenshots of some successful planes I'm making!
  9. Thanks I just really want to do this because planes are really fun to test and fly.
  10. I like the first picture it looks a lot like how they said it would look.
  11. Lookdown I screwed up this post on accident
  12. I'm kinda a rookie at planes but ever since I bought KSP (0.16 so you can understand I'm new to it) My rockets failed and my Planes couldn't land because of pilot error (damn you Jeb!) and sometimes the engines would hit the runway and explode and I made my first successful glider.....and a second one........ and a third one........... Anyways I have room to learn would like to be an Aeroneer
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