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Posts posted by ramnrmeul

  1. Is that the link from the chapter list on page 1? Whatever it is, I'll take a look once I'm not working from a tablet and fix it ASAP.

    Cheers. KSK.

    Yes, it is the one on the first page, but it seems to be working just fine now. Just for future reference, it might be a good idea to put some more space between individual links, because I have had problems with selecting specific ones in the past when they're as close together as they are here.

  2. First part=clever. Using a nuke as an EMP by detonating it ABOVE the ionosphere. Clever, clever Communists. No modifications are required to the device, but the effect is absolutely devastating. What you've done here has happened only once in real life, and it was by accident as well. It killed the power in the Hawaiian Islands, though...

    Also, the third paragraph in part two is a duplicate of the second.

  3. Wait, what? A .22 rifle? You weren't... if I'm reading this right... are you alright? Nothing too bad happened? If I've got this horribly mixed up, please say, because it sounds to me like someone got into your house...

    Yeah, a (minor) case of home invasion. Didn't trip the alarm system because he slipped through the windows leading into the basement (which are quite small, mind you). Also, I was more just pointing the gun at him to get him out of the house, since a .22 longrifle is only really good for target practice and not much else (Also, my dad keeps the ammo in a secret location. Have to find out where he's keeping it one of these days.).

  4. Your attempt to backstab me leads to you triggering the mobile stasis emitters that I install at every place I live in to protect me, allowing me to simply change my location and shoot you in the head the moment I deactivate the field. I then take that blade of yours and send it to the local mass relay along with the coordinates of the next poster. That poster has 10 seconds to evacuate their current location.(The mass relay I used has a variance of up to 10 meters at a distance of 100 lightyears, so the targeting is uncertain.)

  5. What you're talking about makes perfect sense.

    Which is why I must reject it. XD

    Xackylvania is built out of idiocy, silliness, rampant disregard for safety, inept oppression, probable mental illness and space tape. Oggy is actually the safest rocket designer they have, which is balanced by the fact that nothing else about Oggy is safe. ;)

    (This is in no way because I'm not a good rocket designer. Yep. Totally. >.> *something explodes off-screen.*)

    Well then, why not turn it into something that is an absolute monster in terms of parts, is really laggy, and is likely to be possessed by a wiggly horse at any time?

  6. I wonder what would happen when a kerbal who constructs efficient and (truly) safe rockets has to collaborate with Oggy to create the next generation of interstellar craft (I'm thinking modular interplanetary rockets that can have parts added or removed easily (2.5 meter parts, of course)). Modular propulsion units (LV-N's on fuel tanks attached to trusses (puller design, much more stable), fuel and monopropellant storage units (an orange tank attached to two large monoprop tanks), habitation units (a whole bunch of Hitchhikers and possibly side-mounted cupolas), SCIENCE! units (SCIENCE! lab, two goo containers, two Science Jrs. and at least one of every other experiment, and transmitters), along with modules of your own design.

    What I am talking about is a system that would allow for repeatable interplanetary travel with a variable geometry vessel that can be adapted to the specifics of each mission easily. Any new modules could be brought up from the surface, and any unrequired ones could be docked at a station in LKO for later use.

  7. It actually hits my neutronium building in the Gamma Quadrant which contains an Iconian gateway. I use that gateway to transport a deuterium-antideuterium bomb weighing 30 pounds (10 pounds of which is the deuterium and antideuterium) to the next poster's current location. I then close the gateway. The next poster now has one second to escape before a catastrophic explosion occurs (said explosion will probably have a high enough energy to make a 100-mile wide crater on the surface of Earth). If you don't know what most of what I'm taking about is, go watch some Star Trek: Deep Space 9 on Netflix.

  8. You hit the Kraken Drive I just made with the blade. The blade activates the drive, bringing your wing blade along with it while accelerating at a rate of 10000m/s/s until it impacts the next poster at a velocity of 2.9*10^6 m/s an inordinately long amount of time later. The sort of velocity here leaves very, VERY little time to react due to lightspeed delay.

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