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    Rocketry Enthusiast

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  1. Thank you =] this was made almost a year ago now, it was when the largest part was the orange fuel tank or it might even have been before that. Anyway it's not compatible now =\ but they added bigger mk3 parts, so you know what that means =]
  2. Sorry for the terribly late reply, but no there's no room left inside, it's entirely all fuel tanks What you can go is carry quite a bit of cargo under the fuselage, or quite a lot of cargo above the fuselage Once they update the aircraft parts I plan on making another large aircraft, maybe something like the An-225, or something entirely different from any real life aircraft
  3. I usually play KSP completely stock, but I decided to download a few mods including the Interstellar mod I was curious if there was any elaborate tutorial, or webpage which specifically talks about what each part does and what is needed to get the alcubierre drive functioning properly? I did manage to find this helpful website https://github.com/FractalUK/KSPInterstellar/wiki But basically I want to design a starship using the warp drive as the main propulsion, with secondary engines to maneuver it around planets and moons, does anyone have a setup like this? Note: I'll just be playing in sandbox mode right now, not career
  4. That sounds like the best choice, I think I'll do that =]
  5. I did not know this, thank you for the information! Do you know if there's a page with the exact numbers?
  6. So I want to build a small space station extremely close to a planet or moon (with no atmosphere of course) and I was curious as to which body had the smoothest surface features in KSP? The only reason I want to do this is because I tried it with the Mun and it was amazing to have a space station in orbit about 2 km above the surface and watching the ground fly by, but any lower then you're prone to crashing into a mountain. I was just wondering if any of you knew off hand, I couldn't find anything in the quick search I did, if not that's fine =]
  7. Thanks! and yeah looking at some other peoples crafts, they have smaller aircraft but some with twice as many parts. If I go near 1000 parts though my performance starts to drop =\
  8. I would love to make a Kerbal An-225, but I'm still waiting for the developers to re-model/re-texture the aircraft parts. They honestly haven't changed much since KSP started, even the one cockpit doesn't allow you to look through the window. I'm in no rush for them to work on it, I know it's a space based game, but I don't want to start on something major and then have them re-work the SPH parts and have everything not match right or be uncompatable Honestly though rather than an An-225, I would like to have a single massive SSTO, and I mean MASSIVE. I'm talking about carrying a payload of 64 tons (Two Orange Fuel Tanks) into orbit, and a larger scale model being an interplanetary SSTO capable of carrying a payload of 100 tons. It would literally be a space station/cruiser that could land and take off on Kerbin yet travel to Jool and back (did I mention all of this would be stock). Unfortunately I don't have any ideas on how I would go about such design, but there was one youtuber and forum user who did make a stock interplanetary SSTO that was capable of carrying a 36 ton payload (one orange fuel tank) to Duna I believe, or Eve Maybe when I have more time in the summer I will attempt this Massive Interplanetary SSTO, for Science!
  9. EDIT: Wait. Your the same guy! Well... fantastic. Good job... dunno what else to say.
  10. You can try it out, I actually find larger planes easier to handle, I find the quick response time of smaller aircraft can actually make landings more difficult, and I'm happy you like the post =]
  11. No haha B9 is a great mod, I just like using vanilla parts, it makes it more challenging and fun when you only have a limited number of parts to use =] and anyone who plays just vanilla KSP can use it
  12. Thanks! let me know if you run into any problems!
  13. Thank you! and yes it could definitely fly to KSC2 and back with a heavy payload =]
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