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Everything posted by Grove

  1. This was really interesting until the rocketry part. Well done!
  2. The Nupoz is needed only in the DX:HR, because of the research Megan was doing on Adam. (Adam was born with genes that don't reject augs.)
  3. Khem... Someone's new to the forum...
  4. Gaming laptop? Are you sure you don't have a nVidia GT---- hiding under poor Windows UI?
  5. It's still about politics, so I guess this isn't allowed either? Anyways, someone would probably talk about how stupid the Royal baby thing is.
  6. I would have congratulated you on your birthday, but I couldn't access the internet. Also, what is your gift that the UPS is being strange about?
  7. And Steam would actually be more helpful than this as someone else is probably having the same issue.
  8. No I mean there was that one thread with something written in Greek.
  9. I saw your previous thread, it is connected to this, right? Hmm... m Star... EDIT: Also, that homeless rabid man stuff was hilarious.
  10. There is this thing called Steamforums... KSP forums aren't exactly the place to put this on.
  11. It's not really cheating death if you can sustain the body powerful enough to stay alive.
  12. You'd still have motion sickness, you would just not puke.
  13. It was a cold day, I think the water temperature was only 2 °C, the rivets which connected the steel plates weren't treated for the cold conditions, they broke apart and the ship sank, and the bulkhead thing of course.
  14. Windows doesn't have many notifications.
  15. Most of the Keters are interesting to read, one of my favourites must be Blade, I forgot his SCP number, but he was the Sumerian dude who can materialize scimitars from miniature black holes and is regenerative.
  16. Red Dead Redemption still hasn't been ported over to PC.
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